The end of sunrise

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Alex's Pov
"They are coming for me and specially him.......
I need to go back to mystic falls...
I'm not going back.....
But I should ..... What am I supposed to do ?" I spoke to my self on the mirror of my bike.
(One of the good things of being a vampire)
"Excuse me , I need to ask you to leave you are scaring costumers away said my motel owner

5 mins later or maybe more while I drank from him and his the body

Thats it I'm going back . I kinda miss how nice people were in Mystic falls....

3 hours and 45 mins later.

As I noticed I was running out of fuel I decide to "camp" on this farmhouse that seemed to be inhabited.

I found a sweet spot for my bike right behind some bushes do that no one would notice I'm here and decided to go and get a look at what was in for tonight.

I slowly stepped on the cracky step for the door and I was able to kick it open . The problem was that I wasn't invited in and no one seemed to be around.

Because of that I decided to close my eyes and focus on every sound and try to find a heart beat.
I could picture every surrounding because of my over specialized hearing.

"Holy shit" I whispered
There is someone inside .
It sounds like the person is sleeping on the 1st floor right next to the window.

I make my way to the window by using a 7 metre rope that I found .
When I got there I could see this old lady sleeping next to a picture of an old man.

I can't do this.

I decided to jump of and then drive my self to the nearest tallest tree .

10 mins later

Well this looks like a good place
It kinda looks like my old tree house but without the house.
I got my jacked of and put it in between my head and my shoulder . Then I leaned over to a branch.
"Well goodnight Rachel , I hope I'll see ya soon . "

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