Chapter 5

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Danny's POV

Hiccup stared at me and I had no idea why. I shifted towards him only to have him scoot back a bit. We were both standing up at this point.

"Hey, whats wrong?" I asked.

"Your eyes." Hiccup said.

Thats when it hit me. My ghost powers are back. I decided to try transforming.

I felt the comfortable shock as two rings formed and my hair turned white. I opened my eyes to feel myself floating.

"My powers are back... Yes!!!! My powers are back!" I flew cleaned the small cage happily.

"Wait what?!"

And I had forgotten that Hiccup and the others were still here.

"Look," I started, "I'll explain, but for now, lets get out of here".

I grabbed Hiccup and turned us intangible as we sunk through the floor and to the other side of the cage where Dagur and his men were.

Before they could grab us, I shot a beam their way. They ran away, leaving their weapons and an angry Dagur.

Dagur ran towards me but I turned invisable and went behind him. He looked around for me, only to see Hiccup wave at him before I blasted him with ice. Dagur was left struggling, trying to get his rear end out of a block of ice.

Hiccup went towards the cage and opened a lever, letting all the dragons, including Toothless out.

"Lets get put of here." Hiccup said. We blasted a whole through the roof and flew out of the ship. Before flying away, me and Toothless blasted the ship a few more times making it sink.

I looked over at Hiccup and knew I had a lot of explaining to do.

We flew in a fast, yet steady pace back to the edge. At first it was quiet, until Hiccup had to ruin the comfortable silence.

"What are you?" He asked. I looked at him and saw a mix between curiosity and suspicion in his eyes.

"I'm a halfa." I explained everything, including the accident that happened years ago, my parents, my hometown, and the fact that me and my friends are probably from an entirely different universe.

"Look, I don't care if you're a dragon, ghost, boy, whatever. I just need to know that I can trust you." He looked into my eyes and I did the same.

I offered my hand and smiled.

"I promise." I said. And I meant it. "I promise and I know that I can trust you too."

Hiccup smiled back and shook my hand. The rest of the way back he asked me about where I come from. I talked about home and family and such, while he spoke to me about Berk and how it used to be before discovering the truth about dragons.

We learned that we both were outcasts and bullied, but we both had people we could depend on even then. For Hiccup, it was his dad's friend Gobber, and for me, it was Tucker and Sam.

"So you and Astrid?" I asked. He cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly.

"We... well we're not... I mean sorta." He stuttered. He thought for a minute and sighed. "I have no idea. At one moment we're everything to eachother and the next, we're deciding on how much space to give eachother. She says she's not ready, but... I don't know." Toothless made a low purr as if to comfort Hiccup.

Hiccup pet his head and gave him a heartfelt thank you.

I sighed in understanding. I was going through the same thing.

"What about Sam?" He asked.

"Well, we were together for a while... until we got into a bit of a fight. Honestly I'm pretty sure it was my fault."

Hiccup only sighed as we flew the rest of the way back. When we got there, I suddenly felt myself transform back into Danny Fenton.


I felt Hiccup catch me in mid-air. I thanked him as we flew into the camp.

Hiccup's POV

We flew into the Edge and landed in the center of camp. Danny jumped off and sighed while holding his head.

"What was that?" I asked. Danny looked just as confused as me.

"I don't know. One minute, I was flying and the next, I was felt myself change!" He tugged at the ends of his hair in thought.

"Can you still transform?" I asked. He seemed like he was trying as he yelled out "GOING GHOST".

It didn't work. He looked like a psychopath extending his arms as if they were cannons and staring at certain objects like they were the most interesting things in world. Soon, he started to get frustrated.

"Danny!" "Hiccup!"

We both looked up to see everyone coming towards us. Sam and Tucker ran up to him and pushed him down into a hug. In the mean time, my team ran up to me.

Snotlout was the first to speak.

"What the hell happened?"

"Yea we've been looking everywhere for you guys." Astrid said.

"We were looking for Hiccup? I thought we were playing hide and kill." Tuffnut said.

Astrid sighed deeply while I shook my head.

"Mutton heads." Snotloud said.

"Hey, you are the head of mutton!" Ruffnut screamed.

"Okay, back to the task at hand, we were attacked and kidnapped. By Dagur." I said. Astrid grabbed my arm, but let go when hearing me hiss. That's when we both noticed the blood starting to sweep through.

"He was shot. We need to get him help." Danny said.

"I'll get stitched up and then we'll meet for a meeting. Dagur's hits were much more on target. His catapults and shots are getting stronger and better. Also, Danny. I'm sorry but I can't keep secrets from my team." I said. Everyone nodded as we went our seprate ways.

Danny looked at me before nodding in understanding.

Good morning, afternoon, night! I'm back! And I know it's been so long. Right now I'm focusing on updating chapter because I wrote these so long ago and they really need updating.

Thanks for the support!! Please comment what you thought about the story so far!

Thanks again and I'll make sure to write again real soon!


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