Chapter 6

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Danny's POV

"You're full of yack dung!"


"Oh come on Hiccup! Half ghost?! What's next?! Boars can fly now?!Does he have some kind of catchy song too?!"

Hiccup and me had explained everything from how we got captured by Dagur and how I have ghost powers.

"Would you stop poking me?!" I warned the twins who both had a stick on either side of me.

"Aren't ghost suppost to be more... I don't know... dead?" Tuff asked.

"The correct term would be a spirit, my dear brother." Ruff added.

"Stop poking me!" I yelled one last time to Ruff as she gave me a blank look and dropped the stick.

"Buzzkill" I heard them both say.

"Look I want to believe you, really, but it's just so... far fetched. And a "portal" that can lead you to a completely different universe? I'm sorry but I need to see it to believe it." Astrid said.

"And I- we," I looked over at Sam and Tucker, "understand that. Look, I didn't want to believe when I first got my powers. I thought "I'm a freak." I was already a nerdy geek with bullies at my tail, literally." I chuckled a bit thinking of my ghostly tail. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I hope you guys will believe that you can trust us."

Why did I say all that extra stuff? About how I felt about my powers? I guess I just really trust these guys. I looked over at Hiccup, who smiled at me encouragingly.

"Then why can't you transform now?"

I looked over at Snotlout and then the floor. Why couldn't I? It couldn't be because we're in a different dimension or time since I hadn't lost my powers that last time five years ago. That time five years ago....

"Danny... the Blood Blossoms." Sam said.

"But if that was it, then Danny would be in pain." Tucker said. "Remember last time, he almost died," he shuddered, "and me too. Yuck!" He made an obvious face of distaste.

"And I will forever be grateful for your sacrifice.... and those toilets." I said while patting Tucker on the back. Oh if looks could kill, Tucker's could do so much worse.

"But this is a different timeline all together." I didn't want to argue with Sam, but it was a little far fetched. This was a completely different universe.

"Can someone please fill us in?" Astrid asked.

"What are blood blossoms? Are they vampires? Are they going to suck our blood?!" Tuffnut screamed.

"Vampires?! I'm too pretty to die!" Ruff joined.

"Mutton heads." Snotlout scoffed.

"You guys got an off button anywhere?" Sam asked.

"Trust me, we've looked." Astrid said with a bored expression.

"Anyways, blood blossoms are flowers that don't harm us, unless you're Tucker, but are very harmful to ghosts and beings with dark power. Got any echtoplasm in your system and your good as dead... er." Sam finished.

"But Danny looks just fine to me." Hiccup said. I shrugged and, honestly, I was getting pretty frustrated.

"Um, I think I have an idea." We all looked at Fishlegs. He directed out of the hut and onto the dragons. We landed into the forest, but close enough to the ocean that you could see it.

Fishlegs then lead us on foot to a shrub of flowers. They looked nothing like blood blossoms and-

"Blue?" I looked over at Sam. She seemed to be thinking until something seemed to click.

"Oleanders! Of course!" She got up and began to pluck them one at a time.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Fishlegs said with a worried face. I was about to ask Sam what was going on before we heard a loud growl.

We all looked in the same direction of a large blue dragon twice as big as Hookfang, blue, and had a long neck. We walked away slowly before it began to shoot water at us.

"On your dragons and in the sky! Now!" Hiccup ordered. No one hesitated to obey. Sam got on with Astrid, Tucker with Fishlegs, and me with Hiccup.

We got into the air and flew away. I looked over my shoulder to the dragon not coming for us?

"Sam what was that?!" I asked. Astrid flew closer to us.

"I have no idea what that was!" Sam yelled.

"That was a baby Scouldrin." Fishlegs said. "They have a massive grow rate, so its not surprising thats its such a large size already. Ah!"

"What are oleanders doing on this island?" Hiccup asked. "Fishlegs." Hiccup said scoldingly.

"I tried to tell you, but you said it could wait!" Fishlegs finished.

Hiccup looked up as if remembering something and looked down with a sigh.

"I read it in a book once." Sam added. "The book said that Oleanders had to first go through a process before becoming Blood blossoms. They started off as oleanders, but as they grow bigger, they begin to wither, jumble together, gain a red color and become-"

"The end of me." I say with a sigh.

"And those looked close to maturity too. And they're everywhere around this island." Fishlegs looked at me.

"Right now, all they can do is block your powers. That's why you could only trasform when you were kidnapped. You weren't on this island with all these oleanders." Sam explained.

"But last time, it didnt matter that he was outside the blood blossom circle. He was still being hurt." Tucker was right.

"We need to go." I looked at Sam and knew she was right too.

"Hold on, we still have time. Fishlegs?" Hiccup asked.

"About three days." Fishlegs said.

"Why is everything always in three days?" Snotlout interrupted.

"Everyone split up. Get every flower you see and-"

"Wait Hiccup, we can't. Scouldrins will see it as an attack to their food source. Right now, they're just passing by. As long as we don't disturb them, they should be gone by after tomorrow latest." Fishlegs said.


"It's fine." I assured my friends. Sam looked at me with a worried expression. I smiled at her the best I could.

"Alright, for now lets go back to the edge and figure out what to do about Dagur." Hiccup said, before leading everyone back to the edge.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about this. The last time I got tangled up with Blood Blossoms.... well it was more of a smelly light show than a picnic. Hopefully, these dragons will leave before my friends can say that Danny Phantom was killed by a flower.

Hey guys! It's not too long a chapter but I hope you still enjoyed! What will Danny do?! Will he be able to escape the Blood blossoms a second time?! Thanks for reading!!

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