Chapter 7

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Hi! I'm back~. Sorry it's been so long, but I'm back now. Thanks so much for all the support! Every comment, like, and view make my day and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone so much for reading and supporting this book! Now please enjoy chapter 7!

Hiccup's POV

"We need a plan and we need it now." I looked at everyone, now with their thinking faces on.

"Okay, okay, what if-"

"No." Astrid interrupted Tuff before he could say anything else, thank the gods.


"No." She stated more firmly.

"But-" Ruff said this time.

"Vampires arent real! We've been over this!" Astrid yelled. We looked at them in confusion before she pinched her nose in frustration and said "You dont want to know."

"Okay, well what if we sneak attack him or something?" Tucker suggested. "It always works in movies."

"Classic, I like it. Good work and good bye." Snotlout said and started his way out before Astird grabbed Snotlout by the back of his shirt and threw him across the floor.

I thought about it for a bit. A sneak attack is something Dagur will be expecting. But what he won't be expecting....

"I got it!"

"Wait!! What's a movie?" Tuff said with Ruff making an equally confused expression.


I searched the skies for any sign of Dagur. I smirked when I saw boats with his family Crest. I looked back at my team.

"You all know the plan! Danny, how are your powers?"

I looked back at Danny who went into a state of complete concentration before yelling "GOING GHOST".

Next thing I knew, two bright rings seperated into smaller ones that changed his clothing into a black and silver suit and his eyes into a glowing green. The only thing that hadn't changed was his black hair.

"Your hair isn't white!" Tucker yelled. I noticed it too.

"The blossoms are affecting you afterall" Sam said, worry plain as day on her face.

"I'll be okay, Sam." Danny flew to one of Dagur's three ships.

"On my count! Ready?" I yelled. Everyone looked to me. "One! Two!" I took a breath, "Three!"

Hey there!! Short chapter, I know. It's just been a while, so I'm going back into this little by little.

Please like and comment your thoughts so far! Hope you enjoyed!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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