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A police car stops. The officer comes out and goes over to the edge of a bridge. He sees a girl sitting on it

Hayden: Ah officer; what brings you out here on this fine day?

Officer: Got a call about a girl trying to attempt suicide

She laughs to herself

Hayden: Just enjoying the view

Officer: The funny thing is I got another call saying there was a robbery and the description of the girl matches you. Know anything about that?

Hayden: Nope

Officer: Then what's that?

He points. She looks next to her and it's a loaded backpack on a skateboard, money is sticking out on the top

Hayden: Have no idea, it's totally not mine

He lets out a laugh

Officer: Hayden how many times do we have to do this?

She looks at him with a smile

Officer: The silent treatment it is then but I'm going to have to confiscate your booze you got there

She shows it to him

Hayden: You mean my bottle of Cola?

He let's out another laugh while shaking his head

Officer: Come on Hayden, I have to take you in

He goes to her backpack and takes it

Hayden: Can I finish my soda?

Office: Yes

She chugs it then stands up with her skateboard

Officer: Ahem

Hayden: What?

Officer: The board

She lets out a sigh then drops it to the ground

Officer: Come on now

Hayden: Whatever you say Officer

She jumps down onto the end of the board. It goes up and hits him in the crotch. He falls to his knees and yells in pain. She grabs the backpack and puts it on while laughing

Hayden: Never fails

She takes off on her board and waves to him

Officer: Hayden!

Hayden: Until we meet again!

He gets his walkie talkie

Officer: She's on the run!

She begins skating the area when she starts to hear police sirens

Hayden: And now to turn on a good chase song

As the music plays, the police cars arrive and start chasing her. She smirks then skates down a very tall street, picking up major speed. A car pulls up in front of her at the bottom of the street but she jumps over it and lands back on the skateboard. A couple of cop cars try to block her path but she swerves by each of them. The music starts bumping which makes her start dancing while keeping her balance, teasing the cops. They begin to drive faster when suddenly a truck comes out of nowhere and stops in front of them. All the cop cars quickly push their brakes and stop right at the truck, losing her. She skates near a warehouse and waits it out

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