The Crew

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She points at Doc

Hayden: Teddy

She points at Jay

Hayden: Flash

She points at Kat

Hayden: Princess

Kat rolls her eyes

She points at James

Hayden: And you

James grabs his chest as his jaw drops. Kat, Jay, and Doc start snickering. James looks at them with a serious look. They quickly stop

Hayden: Drama queen

James: Oh shut up Hays

Hayden: Ooooo

No Name: Enough Hayden

Hayden: Me?! What did I do?

No Name: Enough I said!

She folds her arms and looks away

Hayden: Hmph

No Name: Everyone but Hayden is dismissed

Jay: Sweet!

He runs out as Doc and Kat leave as well. James stares at Hayden while he leaves

No Name: I meant the rest of the crew Hayden

Hayden: Wait there's more?

No Name: Yes now follow me

He walks out as she follows him to a door. They head in and it's a surveillance room. There's a giant screen that showed the cameras on every single room

Hayden: Stalker much?

No Name: Safety reasons

Hayden: I prefer the other place

No Name: It had cameras everywhere as well

She pauses

Hayden: Well that's embarrassing

No Name: There are four guys behind the cameras

She looks and sees just one guy

Hayden: Uh

No Name: This is one of them. Meet Shaun

 Meet Shaun

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Shaun: Hi

Hayden: What's going on?

Shaun: Oh you know sitting here bored while the rest of you fuckers get to have all the fun around here

No Name smiles

Hayden: I like this guy already. Give me a few days to give you a nickname

Shaun: Nicknames now huh? Can't wait to hear them

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