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James starts walking down the hallway

James: Evie

Evie(robot voice): Hello James

James: Can you track Hayden?

Evie (robot voice): She's in the lounge

James: Do I even want to ask what she's doing?

Evie (robot voice): She's destroying it

James: Of course she is. Thanks Evie

Evie (robot voice): Your welcome

He hears glass breaking when he gets to the door. He takes a deep breath then enters. He sees Hayden grabbing bottles and throwing them at the pictures on the wall which fall and break. She then starts kicking the chairs until she sees him then stops, catching her breath

Hayden: What the fuck James?! What the actual fuck?! This whole fucking time you were alive?! I was in prison for three years! Where the fuck were you?!

James: Hays calm down

Hayden: Don't you dare tell me to calm down! Just...UGH!

She starts walking back and forth while breathing heavily. He puts his hands on her shoulders

James: Hays

Hayden: Get your hands off me James

James: Damn you kiss me then tell me to get my hands off you?

Hayden: That kiss was from past Hayden not me

He gives her a confused look

James: What are you talking about?

Hayden: I don't know if you noticed James but I'm not the same Hayden you once knew

James laughs

James: I knew that since I saw you and that punch... Ouch

Hayden: That's what prison does to you

James: Well can I at least get a thank you?

Hayden: Excuse me?

James: I was the one who got you out of prison early. You were supposed to do five years and I got you out... Thank you Jamesy, you're the best boyfriend ever?

She smirks

Hayden: Thanks​ James, you're such an asshole who waited a long time to get me out

He lets out a hmph

James: Well if you hear me out then you'll know why

She folds her arms

Hayden: Do tell

He picks up one of the chairs, sets it down, and sits on it

James: You should sit

Hayden: I'm fine standing

James: Suit yourself

He takes a deep breath

James: That night I got shot


James: No! Kill me instead, let her live. I'm begging you

Mr X thinks about it

Mr X: Okay

He points the gun at him

Hayden: NO!!!


Mr X and his guards take the money and leave. Hayden quickly goes over to James

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