The Meetup

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Jay, Kat, and Doc watch Hayden closely

Hayden: So; the time has finally come to meet our bosses? Exciting right?

They just stare at her

Hayden: Just a little?

Doc: Sure

Hayden: Good. I'm Hayden by the way

Doc: I'm Doc

Hayden: And you're real name?

Doc: I prefer Doc

Jay starts playing a game on his phone

Hayden: Well then Doc, nice to meet you. I'm still impressed on how you hit me off my board with a chair

Doc: Once again I'm sorry about that

Hayden: Aww aren't you sweet. Let's hug it out

Doc: Um... Okay

They hug

Kat: Is this really happening right now?

Jay looks

Jay: Doc made a new friend

He puts his phone away. They stop hugging

Hayden: Can I call you Teddy?

Doc: Uh why Teddy?

Hayden: Because you're sweet and cuddly like a teddy bear

Kat rolls her eyes, Jay snickers while covering his mouth, and Doc shyly laughs. Hayden looks at Jay

Hayden: I'm calling you Flash because you were as fast as my board

Jay smiles big

Jay: Hear that everyone? I'm the Flash

He fixes himself up and stands proudly

Kat *coughs* show off

Hayden: And you?

She points at Kat who folds her arms and glares

Hayden: I'll call you princess to piss you off

Kat: Ha...ha

Hayden: We're going to be good friends. I can feel it

Kat: I guess we'll just have to wait and see bitch

Hayden: Woah now that is a very mean nickname for me. I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet

Kat: It suits you. If I ever get the order to put a bitch down, I'll put the bitch down

Hayden: Ouch

Jay: Damn you're gonna let her talk to you like that?

They all look at him

Kat: Stop trying to start drama

Jay: I don't know what you're​ talking about

Hayden goes over to the bar and starts looking around the bar area

Hayden: I know you're in here

Jay: What are your looking for?

Hayden: You'll see

The door opens, everyone looks as a man comes out. Hayden leans on the bar

 Hayden leans on the bar

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