The Mission

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Two years later...

Three people go into the meeting room

Kat: Bossman

The screen comes on

Bossman: Kat... Jay... Doc. Everyone's here, good. I have a very important mission for you. This mission is an important one so listen closely

Pictures start popping up

Bossman: This briefcase holds something dangerous. A vital that contains a virus that will kill millions in seconds if it gets to it's location

Doc: I'm guessing this vital is for me to do some research?

Bossman: Correct so you'll need to join them and be the one to retrieve it

Doc: Oh fun

Jay pats him on the back

Jay: You'll do great

Bossman: This is the man you are looking for. The meeting will be held outside of a restaurant

Kat: What?

Bossman: Simple right?

Jay: Hell yeah that's simple. This is going to be a piece of cake

Bossman: Then go and bring it back here

Jay: Let's get this shit done

They take off

One hour later...

Jay and Doc are disguised and have split around the area of the restaurant except Kat whose disguised as a waitress. The man arrives with the briefcase

Kat: Briefcase in sight, going in. Doc you better be ready

Doc: Oh ready as I'll ever be

He starts praying silently because he's nervous

Jay: Are you okay Doc?

Doc: Peachy


Hayden is spying on them

Hayden: I got eyes on the briefcase No Name

No Name: Wait for them to take it

Hayden: I think I'm going to need some music for this

Kat goes over to the table with a tray of drinks

Kat: Hello, here are your drinks

Guy: Uh we haven't ordered yet

She spills the drinks on them

Kat: Oh I am so sorry

Jay: That's your queue Doc

Doc takes a deep breath then heads over. As Kat distracts the men, Doc goes over to the table, grabs the briefcase, and walks away fast

Doc: Holy shit... Fuck I did it

Jay: Great job Doc. Kat we'll rendezvous at the...

Suddenly Hayden passes by on a skateboard and grabs the briefcase

Doc: Hey!

She looks back and waves at them

Hayden: Thanks!

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