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Three years later...

Hayden is doing push ups. A female officer goes over and hits the bars. She stops and looks

Female Officer: Ready to become a free woman?

She gets up

Hayden: You're damn right I am

The cell door opens as she's escorted to an office to get her belongings

Male officer: Here's your clothes

He sets them in front of Hayden

Male officer: Wallet... Keys... Phone

Hayden grabs them and puts them on her clothes

Male officer: A necklace

Hayden grabs and looks at it


James: I wanted to give you something

He pulls out a necklace from under his shirt

James: This necklace has meant the world to me. It has been passed on from my moms, mom's, mom. To my mom's mom. To my mom, then to me

Hayden: All girls huh?

James: I was suppose to be a girl but instead they got a boy

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James: I was suppose to be a girl but instead they got a boy. Shit happens right? So I'm passing it on to you because you mean the world to me now... If you accept of course

She smiles big

Hayden: Hell yeah I accept

He smiles and puts the necklace around her neck. She looks down and takes a closer look at it

 She looks down and takes a closer look at it

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Hayden: It's beautiful Jamesy

James: Jamesy?

Hayden: That's your nickname

He laughs to himself

James: You and your nicknames

Hayden: Nothing wrong with that... Jamsey

She bumps his shoulder then kisses his cheek

Hayden: Thank you, I promise to keep this close to me and hell, maybe one day I'll pass it on... Or be greedy and keep it forever because this is fucking gorgeous and I don't want to give it away

James: Your welcome...Hays

Hayden: Hays?

James: That's your nickname now

Hayden: Damn, better than mine

He smiles as she grabs his hands

Hayden: Come here you

She pulls him to her and hugs him

James: I love you Hays

Hayden: I love you to... Jamsey

He laughs then kisses her cheek

End of flashback...

Female officer: Hayden?

She snaps out of it then puts the necklace on. Tears were sliding down her face

Female Officer: Are you alright?

She wipes her face

Hayden: Yeah

Male officer: And an envelope

Hayden: An envelope?

Male officer: Yeah

He gives it to her. It was a big envelope. She looks at it. There's no name on it

Female officer: Come on. I'm sure you want to get out of here

Ten minutes later...

The officer and Hayden leave the building then go to the gate as it opens

Female officer: Good luck out there. Hope I don't have to see you again

She smirks

Hayden: You won't

She walks off

Three hours later...

*Knock knock*

A woman opens the door

Woman: Hi; can I help you?

Hayden: This is going to sound weird but I use to live here about three years ago​ and... you have something of mines that I can't leave without so yeah... I'm gonna need to get it

Woman: Shouldn't you be in prison?

Hayden: Wow word travels fast huh?

Man: Hey honey; who is it?

Woman: The girl who use to live here

Hayden sees a man sitting down on the floor playing with a baby. She looks at the woman

Hayden: Did the landlord tell you that my boyfriend was shot and killed right there?

She points. The woman looks at the man and the baby then back at her in shock

Hayden: I'm guessing no, can't trust landlords these days. Now about my things

She opens the door for her

Hayden: Thanks

Hayden goes to what was once hers and James's room, opens the closet, reaches over and opens the wall. The woman goes over and watches. Hayden takes out a box then puts it in her backpack, along with a stash of cash hidden in there. She zips it then looks at the woman

Hayden: Thanks. You won't ever see me again

She walks out and leaves. She ends up renting a room in a motel. She sits on the bed as she takes out the box from her backpack and sets it next to her then takes the envelope out and sets it on the other side of her. She gets up and takes a long shower, thinking. After she's done, she sits back on the bed and grabs the envelope. She looks at it then opens it. It was a phone. She turns it on while finding a note inside the package. She looks at it

Hayden: I know what you're seeking, call me and you'll get it but be warned, you must be PATIENT for what you seek

She looks at the phone and sees a number saved on there so she calls it

Unknown: I hope you're ready for this commitment because once you're in, there's no getting out. Are you willing to do this Hayden? Are you willing to become a stronger person? One that everyone will fear?

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