They are rubbing a bank

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Yawning Luna stretched her tiny arms, before pushing back her tangled hair so it was out of her face. Looking out the window Luna came to conclusion it was bright and early, so she groaned and laid back down. Still laying on Scott's chest, she spent 20 minutes staring at him with occasionally poking, hoping he would wake up, but when nothing happened she got up and spent another 10 minutes trying to open the door. Sighing in frustration she gave up and sat in the middle of the floor staring at the door whimpering until Melissa walked in smiling at Luna who was sitting on the floor with a pouting face.

"Come on Luna let give you a bath." Melissa says picking her up and taking her to the bathroom. After she was finished Melissa put on a dress Lydia dropped off for her and braided her hair. Five minutes of trying to get Luna's shoes on, Melissa was about to lose her mind. Luna was running around screaming and Melissa running right after her screaming at her for screaming until Scott came scooping her up.

"Scott put some shoes on her," Melissa said giving up.

"Pup sit," Scott commanded while Luna obeyed. Scott put some slip on shoes and picked her up.

"So what are you doing after school," Melissa asked Scott sipping her coffee

"Of nothing working," Scott says

"No your robbing a bank," Luna says and Melissa went wide eyed

"She doesn't know what she is talking about she is only four," Scott says picking Luna up." You look beautiful today Luna," Scott tells her kissing her nose

"Thank you alpha daddy you look very pretty too," she says playing with his hair again.

"Okay I'll see you tonight like I promised okay. Love you," Scott tells Luna laughing

"Okay see you tonight love you too," she kissed both of his cheeks and nose.

"Remember just us and Stiles when I get back."

"Okay I love you," she kissed his forehead and nose waving to him as he leaves and couldn't be seen.

"Let's go honey bun," Melissa says picking her up.

"Mommy Lisa can I be a doctor," Luna asked the young nurse.

"Yes, if you get good grades you can become anything you want," she pokes Luna's nose causing the young pup to sneeze.

The whole day Luna followed Melissa around learning what a nurse does until it was time to go home.

"Alpha daddy," Luna screams running in to Scott's arms

"Hey mom I'm taking Luna out for a couple of hours. We will be back love you," Scott screams shutting the door and getting into Stiles's jeep with Luna.

"How was your day lun," Scott asked the little girl in his lap

"Good," she mumbles

"What's wrong?" Scott asked

"Did you save the two wolves,"

"We saved Boyd but Erica is in heaven. But we got Cora who is Derek's sister," Stiles explains making Luna jumped up and down happily. That night Scott kept his promise and got Luna a milkshake and curly fries. Luna then made it clear that her soulmate is fries.

The next day Scott woke up to find his chest empty. Freaking out he shoots up throwing his blanket off of him and starts looking everyone in is room. Finally he found a crying Luna in the closet.

"Hey Luna what wrong," Scott asked scooping the girl up.

"My teeth hurt," she said, showing her teeth proving to Scott that they hurt.

"Okay Luna we will go to the store after school. I promise " he said hugging and kissing her forehead.

"But promise me you won't disappear without telling me where you are okay Luna," Scott scolds her as she nods smiling," now let's get ready to drop you off at Derek's,"

"No Peter Pan says he will eat me if I bite his finger," she mumbled sadly and hold Scott tight

"Hey then bite Derek's finger," Scott picks her up and put a dress that Alison dropped off for her. Scott kisses her nose and starts walking to stiles car.

"Hey uncle stiles." Luna says kissing her forehead

"Hey Luna bear,"

"Okay we have to drop we off at Derek's," Scott tells stiles who nods. When they get there Luna runs into Derek's arms and kisses his chin.

"Wolfey," Luna whispers

"Hey little cutie," Derek says putting her down so she can say goodbye to Scott. She rubs herself all over Scott and kisses his forehead, nose and chin and he dies the same.

"See you in little okay. Love ya," he says kisses her nose

"Love ya too alpha daddy," she blows him a kiss

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