Chapter Five

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Grateful I brought the truck, I help Joey climb in the passenger seat then wait for him to put on his seatbelt before shutting the door. He's leaning forward to keep his weight off his back.

We don't say anything on the short ride to my house but when I stop in the driveway and open the door for him to get out, he doesn't move. "Are you sure this is okay?" he asks, staring at the Tudor house I grew up in.

"Of course." I hold out my hand and patiently wait for him to take it. "I live alone and have plenty of room."

Joey tilts his head and looks into my eyes. They trail down my decorated arms to my waiting hand. "You're... alone?"

Does he seriously have sympathy for me? That's a new low, even for me. "Yeah." I carefully reach out to take his hand. "And I promise not to bite."

Moving slowly, he scoots out and walks behind me to the front door. Just like the little duck he was trained to be.

I open the door and sweep my arm in for Joey to look around. "There's a guest room down here with a private bath." I start walking but he doesn't follow. When I reach the door to the bedroom that hasn't been used since Zach's last visit, I clear my throat, getting Joey's attention. "In here, little duck. You can clean up and I'll find some clothes for you while we wash yours."

Nothing I own will fit his slender form but I've got a handful of clothes that guys have left here over the years that I keep in case they ever come back. Fortunately or unfortunately, they rarely return after I've driven them away.

Joey reluctantly walks to me and peeks in the room. "You really don't mind?"

I shake my head, my eyes locked on his profile as he decides whether he can trust me or not. To my surprise, he steps in and sits on the edge of the bed.

I grab a few towels from the hall closet and walk into the bathroom. "You need to soak those gashes to make sure they don't get infected. Want me to run a bath for you?"

His terrified eyes bug open and I know he thinks I'm trying to take advantage of him.

"Look, kid." I pull out the desk chair and roll it so I'm sitting in front of him with about a foot between our knees. "I know you're scared and you should be. You shouldn't just trust a stranger off the street."

Okay, this isn't exactly making his breathing even out or his color improve. He looks like he's about to burst into tears or jump through the window... or both.

I take a deep breath and start over. "My name is Steve Montgomery. You already know that I own The Waffle Haus. Rachel knows you're with me and she'd kick my ass if I harmed one hair on your head so you can relax. I promise I won't hurt you."

I've said those words so many times in the past and haven't been able to keep the promise yet but this time I'm gonna do everything I can to keep this kid safe. "Please let me help you."

He exhales loudly and his whole body relaxes as he nods his head once.

"Okay, I'll turn on the tap and let you get undressed. Just be sure to turn off the faucet before it overflows." I wink as I get up and walk back to the bathroom. "After I leave, put your clothes on the bed and I'll toss them in the washer, okay?"

He nods again. Just as I walk out the door, I hear his soft voice. "Steve?" My heart stutters as the sound of my name from his lips penetrates my soul. He's absolutely angelic.

I turn back to him. "Hmm?"

"Why do you keep calling me little duck?"

Did I say that out loud? I don't even remember doing it. "Does it bother you?"

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