Chapter Seven

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After Allen takes off, I order a couple pizzas and settle on the couch with Joey. He's still yo-yoing between looking relaxed and happy then scared and jumpy.

Until I find out how this Topher dude plans to collect his debt, there isn't much I can do to reassure him he's safe. So I do what I do best. Avoid the problem with distraction.

It's usually not the smart move but if it gets us through the night, I'll take it. That distraction usually comes in the form of sweaty sex but that's not an option so I've got to tone things down a bit.

"You wanna watch a movie?" I turn on the Apple TV and flip through the new releases.

Joey nods and curls into the far corner of the couch. That's good. I'm on the opposite end so there's a few feet between us but not too many.

Neither of us are paying much attention so I click on the latest Fast and Furious movie then grab a few beers. As I hand him an open bottle, I can't help myself from teasing him. "You are old enough to drink, right?"

He gives me one of the first genuine smiles I've seen in a month. "Yes, I'm twenty-three."

Damn, he's just a baby.

We nurse our beers for the first twenty minutes of the movie without saying much. When the doorbell rings, we both startle and that panicky look is back on his face. I'd give anything to get him to the place where he feels safe again but it's gonna be a long journey for this kid.

"It's just the pizza guy." I squeeze his knee then go to the door to pay the man.

By the time the movie's over, Joey's feet are inches from my lap and he's asleep in the corner of the sofa. Wrapping one palm around his foot, I hold it for just a second before lightly shaking him awake. "Hey, sleepy duck. Time for bed."

"Hmm." He opens his eyes and looks around, disoriented at first then he relaxes. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep."

"No apologies necessary. All those loud engines and chase scenes and bullets flying could put anyone to sleep." I wink at his confused expression. "Up you go."

I stand and hold out a hand to him. He doesn't even hesitate this time when he places his small hand in mine and lets me pull him to his feet. Walking him to his room, I don't let go of his hand. I want to wrap my arm around him but I hold back. It takes every ounce of strength I have to not drag him up to my room and into my bed.

"Are you going to sleep too?" he asks when he reaches the side of his bed.

"In a little bit. I'll be up in my room with the door open so if you need anything, just yell or come find me."

He nods and pulls back the sheets. I want to stand over him all night and just watch him sleep. Make sure he's safe. But I force myself to turn and shuffle up to my room.


"I won't... I promise. Please..." The sound of shouting has me on my feet and down the stairs in three seconds flat. Joey's screaming at someone. Someone in my fucking house.

I tear into his room, ready to kill, and find him thrashing on the bed, tangled up in the sheets.

"Please, stop. I won't run..." I can only understand part of what he's saying. The rest of his words are jumbled and don't make sense. But he's terrified so I have to wake him up.

As soon as I reach for his flailing fist, he starts to buck even harder. His head flings back and into the headboard with enough force to shake the whole bed. Fuck, he's gonna crack his skull open. Not wanting him to hurt himself any worse, I secure his arms and hold them against his body.

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