Chapter Fifteen

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At three o'clock, Joey and I enter the downtown high-rise through a service door and walk straight to the elevator. I can't risk DeMonaco or his guys seeing us anywhere near the building so we decided to arrive extra early.

I've spoken to Bobby and Spencer and everyone knows where they need to be. Now we just have wait to see if everyone performs as promised.

Having my fate rest in the hands of so many other people makes my stomach churn but this operation is beyond just me or Joey. This is bigger than a few rent boys in an arcade. Topher is bringing a few million dollars' worth of forged art to this penthouse in less than an hour and if all goes well, he won't be leaving in one piece. That's if all goes well.

If all goes horribly wrong, I could be leading Joey to the slaughter. Or worse, unimaginable torture for the foreseeable future. I won't allow either.

Matty has come through big time. The owner of the apartment is a professional snowboarder and has a room full of sports equipment, including boxes of GoPro cameras. Matty and Allen spent hours setting up the cameras in discrete locations throughout the house. The live feeds will stream to monitors in a conference room on the first floor. That's where Uncle Sal will be watching. Assuming he gets his ass to the building in time to walk in undetected.

When Matty opens the front door, Joey freezes like a bunny under the fangs of a wolf.

"Hey, Joey." Matty holds out his hand and speaks softly. "It's great to see you."

Joey pulls slightly away from my side, squaring up his shoulders as he takes Matty's hand. "Hi, Matt."

Matty smiles and tugs him to his chest. "You look good, kid." His eyes meet mine over the top of Joey's head. "Happy."

I nod and remember why I've always liked Matty. He's the kind of guy who notices when you're happy or sad. His compassion is what's spurring him to risk his life and his livelihood to help a friend. How he got mixed up in business with DeMonaco is a mystery to me.

Joey looks at me with a sweet grin. "I am. Thanks." Stepping back, he fits himself into the groove in the side of my body that seems to be made especially for him.

My hand instinctively squeezes his hip as I hold onto him, relishing his clean scent as it fills my nostrils. I can't lose this.

"Matty, it's been a long time." I hold my hand out but Matty ignores it and pulls me into a half hug on my open side.

"Too long." He pats my back twice then cups the back of my neck. "Al's been telling me about your hijinks but I have to say, plotting to take down the biggest crime lord in the state is impressive."

Matty chuckles lightly as he guides us inside.

"I like to keep things interesting." I wink at Joey's shocked expression and give him a kiss on his forehead. "Where is that cousin of yours?"

"Doing all the actual work around here." Al walks in behind us with electrical tape hanging from a carabiner on his belt loop and a fist full of cable. He nods toward the hallway. "Let me show you guys where we'll be."

Joey and I follow Allen down a short hallway until we come to a staircase. I start to take a step up and Al stops me with a hand to my shoulder.

"Uh uh." He pushes against a painting at the end of the hall and a panel pops out, revealing a hidden room. "We'll be in the spy rooms."

"Seriously?" Joey ducks through the wall opening and flips the light switch before I take a step. The light is dim and tinted blue. "This is sick."

I step in behind him and look around. We're in a small room which branches out to a maze of hallways. I wave toward the hall on my right. "Where do those lead?"

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