Chapter Nine

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As soon as I'm out of the shower, the aroma from the kitchen assaults me. It's not just garlic and tomato that I smell. There's something else I can't quite place. I step into a pair of loose sweats and a Niners t-shirt then head downstairs.

"Oh, you're done." Joey has the dining table set and is pulling a bottle of Chardonnay from the fridge. "Do you mind if we open this?"

"Not at all." Although I'm surprised he wants wine with dinner, I don't mind. I usually have a glass or two at night. "It smells delicious in here."

"It's just penne with a jar of sauce but I added a few spices."

"Excellent." I lift the lid to the simmering saucepan and peek inside. "Mmm. Can I help with anything?"

He takes a quick look around then hands me a large glass bowl. "I think I saw a bagged salad in there. Do you want to pull it out and toss it in here?"

He's so sexy when he's in charge. "Sure thing, little duck."

He tucks his head and turns but not before I see a grin spread across his face.

Pulling open the oven, he peeks inside. "And I found some cookie mix. I hope you don't mind."

"That's what else I smell. I've been dying for cookies but didn't want to make a whole batch for myself." I lean away from the sink I'm rinsing the lettuce in and place a kiss on his temple. "Thanks, kid."

"You do realize I'm only a few years younger than you, right?" He's leaning on his hip with a pot holder in his hand and I have to force back the growl that wants to escape my throat just from looking at him.

"Technically, yes." I pull out a strainer and hand it to him. "But I think I've lived more in those extra years so I get to call you a kid."

He raises an eyebrow then turns to strain the pot of pasta. "Well, if that's the case, old man, you probably shouldn't be running so fast on that treadmill. You might break a hip."

I chuckle lightly as I pull the saucepan off the stove and pour it over the pasta Joey has spread on a platter. "Don't you worry about my hips. They can out maneuver yours any day of the week."

His body stills beside me and I notice he takes a deep breath without letting it out.

"And you called me a tease," he whispers as he turns with the platter and walks stiffly to the dining room.

Our dinner is simple and delicious and I can't recall a more enjoyable meal. Joey talks about studying to become a teacher and what it was like to grow up in Phoenix. It's not until we take our last sips of wine that his demeanor starts to change.

"Do you have to go to work tomorrow?" He's twisting his wine glass in his hand, watching the final drops swirl in the base.

I lean back in my chair, watching his facial cues. "Yes."

He just nods.

"I leave around seven fifteen on Mondays so if you're still asleep, I won't wake you."

He nods again without looking up.

"I usually work all day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so I won't be home until around six thirty." Joey's shoulders slump forward just a bit. "Will you be okay here all day? You can play with the Xbox or watch movies or use the gym or anything you want."

"I'll be fine," he whispers.

Before I can stop myself, I stand and walk to the other side of the table. Kneeling on my heels, I grab his hand until he finally makes eye contact. "You'll be safe here. You just focus on getting healed up then you can think about getting a job so you aren't bored all day."

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