Chapter Thirteen

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By the time six o'clock rolls around, Joey is at least as competent with the waffle iron as Rachel or myself. And he's generous with the toppings so customers love him. I'm surprised by how much fun it is to work beside him.

On the few occasions I worked with Ty, he was all over me. We became fuck friends after being introduced by a mutual friend. He was looking for a job so I broke the cardinal rule and hired him. It didn't take more than a few hours of him playing grab ass under the counter before I got sick of him. As soon as he realized I adjusted my schedule to avoid him, he quietly resigned and went to work at Starbucks.

It's completely different with Joey. He's focused on each task and able to handle several customers at once. I feel kinda bad letting him work when I really only brought him in to hang out but once he's relaxed, he has the energy of a six-year-old. He's even humming as we clean up for the night and lock the door.

"I can see why you love it." He melts into my side, wrapping both his hands around my left bicep. "That was awesome."

"Did I miss something? What are you talking about?" I kiss his head, inhaling the sugary sweet smell that has absorbed into his baby fine hair as we walk to my truck.

"Your shop. I can see why you opened it." He leans up and gives me a quick peck on my chin. "You make people so happy."

I laugh out loud. "No one has ever said that to me before." It's kinda ridiculous, in fact.

"Well," he clutches my arm a little tighter, "I can say from experience that it's true."

Why that comment makes a knot form in my throat, I don't know. But I can't stop the warmth that spreads from deep in my belly and out in every direction. "I want it to be true, little duck," I whisper, clearing the thickness in my throat. "I really do."

The rest of the walk is silent as we get to the truck and climb in. "I need to visit a friend tonight so I was thinking we could grab dinner then maybe you'd want to hang out with Allen for a few hours."

"I can't go with you?" His voice trembles as his eyes beg me not to leave him.

I reach for his hand and bring it to my lips, holding it there while I back out of the lot. "This is something I have to do on my own and I'd feel better if you weren't alone."

He turns toward the window and nods once. "Okay."

"Joey." He doesn't respond at all. Damn.

Reluctantly, I let go of his hand and grab the nape of his neck and give him a slight shake. "Hey, look at me."

He looks up, his eyes sparkling with tears that he hasn't let fall.

"Is it okay?"

He shrugs. "I guess. I mean, I'll be fine at the house. I don't need a babysitter."

"I know you don't and if you don't want to go, you don't have to." I smile as I remember Al's reaction when I asked him to hang out with Joey. "But, Al's boyfriend is getting a little jealous about all the time he's spending on our little project. I think if he meets you in person, he'll back off for the next few days."

Joey finally gives me a hint of a smile. "Al has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, Phil." I don't mean to spit out his name but I've never liked the guy. "He's a pervy tight ass most of the time but Al claims he's a good guy. I find him annoying."

"Why is he annoying?"

"Mostly I don't like him because he tried to pick me up when Al was in the bathroom on their second date. Allen's way too good for that asshole." Then again, who am I to judge? It's not like I haven't done worse. Much worse.

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