Chapter Twelve

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"Does anyone else know about your arrangement with Topher?" I ask, peeking over a cup of coffee on Tuesday morning.

Joey shakes his head while chewing the eggs he just put in his mouth. "His family doesn't approve of his private team. They felt we were more valuable up with the rest of the guys." He takes a drink of coffee then puts down his fork. "I don't think any of them would be anxious to get me back."

"So once the prick is dealt with, you're home free?"

He shrugs. "I guess."

"What does that mean?" I reach across the table with my palm up, offering him physical reassurance if he wants to take it.

He grins when he looks at my hand then slowly places his silky fingers between each of mine. "I'm just not sure Topher will be as easy to 'deal with' as you think." He looks away, unable to meet my gaze but I don't miss the glistening in his eyes.

My large hand closes around his. "Hey." I wait until he looks at me, holding in the tears threatening to fall. Once I have his full attention, I pull his hand to my lips and place a gentle kiss on it. "Have some faith, little duck. I'm pretty awesome when properly motivated. I've got this."

I'm not much of a believer in God but if there is one that could help me keep that promise, I'd give just about anything to make it happen.

I call Allen after breakfast and we work out the details for Spencer's visit. As soon as I hang up, Joey has that terrified look in his eyes while he stares at the blank TV.

I sit next to him on the couch and pull him into my lap. "Talk to me." When the fuck did I become a fifteen-year-old girl?

He feigns a half smile that quickly falls back into a frown. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Whatever's got that beautiful smile of yours all messed up." I kiss each corner of his lips. "It's going the wrong way."

I get a real smile before he kisses me back. "How long are you going to be gone?"

"Gone where?" My hand rubs circles over his back as he melts into my chest.

"To work."

Ah. Of course. "We will only be gone for a few hours."

"We?" He sits upright and looks at me. "I'm going too?"

"Of course. Unless you'd rather hang out at the shop with Allen. He's shorthanded right now and could probably use the help."

Joey shakes his head. "No, I'll go with you."

I squeeze him to me and kiss the top of his head. "Good because I'd be a wreck the whole afternoon if I couldn't see for myself you were okay."

"What time are we leaving?" Joey shifts his weight so he's straddling me.

I glance at the wall clock. "We've got a few hours before Rachel needs to head out."

"I can work with that."

And work it he did.


We get to The Waffle Haus just after noon. There is a line to the corner and as soon as I slip in the door, Rachel nods toward the beeping irons. "Can you grab those?"

I quickly wash my hands and slip into a pair of gloves. With the finished cakes out and plated, I begin to refill the irons. "Has it been like this all morning?"

"Yup. There's a convention at the hotel across the street so we've had a line ten deep since I opened the window." While she's waiting for the credit card machine to authorize a transaction she finally looks back at us. "Oh, hey, Joey. It's good to see you again."

"Hi." His bashful look is adorable. "Um, sorry about the other day."

She hands the receipt and plate to the customer then steps away from the window. "Can you take them?"

I nod and replace her at the window.

I hear her washing her hands as she speaks softly to him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Was Steve able to help? You look good."

I smile at her comment even though the asshole at the window has a list of food allergies that will probably cause him to drop dead after his first bite of my waffle. His loss.

"Thanks." I don't look back at Joey, knowing his pink cheeks would remind me of his other cheeks I want to see pink. I don't have time to deal with a boner. It was enough of a shock that I could even get hard after the way he worked me over for the hour before we left the house. "He's helped me a lot."

I can't resist the quick glance back. He's looking right at me when I catch his gaze and smile.

Then his smile drops and that heartbreaking frown is back. "But I'm a lot more trouble than I'm worth. I'm sure he'll regret his decisions before the week is over."

"What are you talking about, sweetie?" She has that motherly way of keeping her tone sweet to him while lacing concern and accusation in it. Directed at me.

"You know that's not true, kid." I turn back and wink, trying to keep the conversation light. "We just have to get a few things sorted out and then we'll see who regrets what."

Rachel hands me three plain waffles and is at my side. "Steve, what's going on?"

I know I can trust her but the more she knows, the more risk she's in. On the other hand, she'll be spending time alone at the shop over the next few days so it's only fair she's aware of the potential risks.

I blow out a deep breath and begin the short version of his story.

"Joey's ex is Christopher DeMonaco. You know him?"

Her dropped jaw is answer enough. "No shit?" She looks back at Joey but his eyes are locked on the waffle Rachel handed him at some point.

"Well, he's got it in his fucked up brain that Joey is his indentured servant for the next few months." I hand change to the couple at the window and take a step back.

"Is he in danger?" Rachel whispers.

"Threats have been made." Joey looks up at the reminder but doesn't hold my gaze for more than a beat before he's studying his fork again. "But Al and I are going to get him straightened out. Everything will be fine by Friday."

She nods her head, genuine concern shining in her eyes as she watches Joey fidget. "What happens on Friday?"

"Don't worry about that." I pat her arm to get her to look at me. "I'm only telling you this so you're aware of what's going on. If anyone is hanging around or seems sketchy, call me or call the police."

She nods again. "Where will you be?"

"I'll be here but if I can't and you can't, we'll just close up."

"What about Ty? He said he could come in whenever we needed an extra hand."

Ty is a former employee... and lover. A good guy that I fucked up with in my standard MO. Now isn't the time to introduce him to Joey. "No, not this week. The fewer people involved, the better."

I call a few names and pass out plates before looking back to Rachel. "And that goes for you too. If you want to take the week off, paid, you can. We can just close up for a few days if we need to."

"No. No way." She hip checks me and takes over at the window. "I'll be fine. I almost hope they do come snooping around. I'd love to get a piece of that asshole."

I chuckle and place a light kiss on top of her head. The love she already feels for Joey is evident in her clenched fists. My heart swells knowing she has his back, and mine, if push comes to shove. "Easy there, mama bear. Don't go looking for trouble. Just let me know if you see any looking for me."

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