The memories part 2

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The car ride to the station was uneventful, and the apparently bored Seamus.

"The car ride was so boring!" Seamus complained.

"What did you think was going to happen? An explosion?"I questioned.

"Yes!" Seamus exclaimed. 

"Fair enough, both of were in the same car. How do I get to platform 9 and 3/4?" I asked Mr. Finnigan. 

"You go to platform 9 and run at the wall separating it from platform 10." Mr. Finnigan explained

"Ha, Ha, Ha!" I laughed, but then stopped when I saw to look on Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan's faces.

"Alright then," I gulped "Goodbye!" I exclaimed and huge them all tightly

I then turned around and started to skate away, I then turned around and waved at them all. 

"Lupus look out!" I heard them all yell

I turned around and swerved to the right to avoid flattening two brunette adults making their way out of the station.

"Sorry," I yelled back at them

"Quite alright," they yelled back

I was going to be late so I speed up the pace and skated right through the wall!I picked up my skateboard and looked around. The sight I was greeted with was amazing, yet a short one. All I saw was parents waving at their children on the train. One of them sneered at me when I brushed past them to get to the train. Then the train started to move! I jumped onto the train right before it left the station. I turned around and saw a balding man with a gray cat on his arm. 

"You're the lucky one this year aren't you." he sneered 

"I guess so sir." I said trying to sound polite. 

"Go sit down. " He said unhappily 

I peered down the aisle to see many compartments, some full of kids, some empty, and some with only one or two children. I looked back at the man to see if there was a place I had to sit or if I could sit any where. 

"Well what are you waiting for!" he yelled, "Go sit!"

I walked down the aisle trying to find a compartment with a few kids in them that seemed to be kind. I came across a compartment that had two kids sitting in it who were quietly chatting. One of them was a red head that had the first year charms book sitting in his lap, and the other was a brunette that looked a lot like the adults I had almost ran over. 

"Hello, can I sit here?" I asked

"Sure," the red head said

"I'm Lupus," I said

The red head replied "I'm Percy Weasley and this is --" 

"Oliver Wood," the brunette said interrupting him. We chatted the entire train ride. 

(Time skip) 

"You will be sorted into four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin , and Ravenclaw. Each house represents different personality traits." the woman who I had just learned as Professor McGonnagall stated. We walked into the great hall and it was amazing. The ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky and there were floating candles every where. There were also four long tables each with fill with students. At the front of the room was where the professors sat. 

"Anderson , Jacobs," Professor McGonagall yelled, and so the sorting began. 

"Lupus" I heard and I shakily walk up to the stool. I heard people whispering. Most likely because McGonagal hadn't yelled a last name. Even all the professor looked confused. I stood proud against all the whispers because even though I didn't know my family, I knew my parents must be good people. The hat was placed on my head. 

I jumped a little, okay a lot, when I heard a voice in my head. 

"Hm, curious, very curious. Smart, brave, cunning, and kind. Proud yet not arrogant. Brave ,but not stupid. " I heard it say. I calmed down when I realized that it was the hat talking. 

"What is it." I asked it? him? her? 

"You, my dear, are extremely special, one of a kind even. You have all of the traits that the houses possess. You also have a unique talent, don't you?" it questioned 

"So you know about that," I grumbled. 

"Yes my dear," it chuckled. 

There was a moment of quiet while it thought. 

"Okay this might be confusing but, it better be Lykos!" it said out loud.

Everyone gasped! I remember there were only four houses and lykos was not one of them! Percy fainted! He didn't hit the ground though, even worse he landed on a girl Penelope Clearwater, I believe. All of the professor looked utterly confused, expect for Dumbledore. He had this mysterious twinkle in his eyes that made me even more nervous.

"Well, go on with the sorting!" the hat yelled from atop my head. 

I slowly stood up and shakily placed that hat back on the stool. I walked towards the table when I realized that I didn't know where to sit. I quickly walked back to Professor McGonagall and asked her,

 "Where do I sit?" this seemed to snap her out of state of shock. She looked to Professor Dumbledore for help. 

"Sit where ever you want to, I will explain this to you later." He said. 

I sat at the Gryffindor table since they seemed nice enough. I started to chat with some red heads to get my mind off of the situation. When I heard Percy's name called I snapped to attention. 

"Gryffindor" that hat yelled after a while. Mostly likely debating between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. He was extremely intelligent from what I had learned about him on the train. He came over to me and said, 

"Hey Charlie, Bill, Lupus, "  

"You know these guys?" I ask him 

"Yes they are my brothers" He said. 

 "Oh" I said dragging out the h while a look of realization crossed my face. 

"Wood, Oliver" the hat called and Percy and I looked up at the hat in excitement. 

"Gryffindor!" the hat yelled before barely touching Oliver's head. 

Percy and I cheered extra loud. 

(Time skip to after the feast) 

The meal was amazing! I didn't eat much since I wasn't hungry, but it was delicious.

Professor McGonagall pulled me aside and told me that Professor Dumbledore needed me. She lead my to his office and said the password sugar quills. His man sure has a sugar tooth.

His office is amazing. He had a book shelf covering one of the walls. A desk was in the middle, it was covered in silver trinkets and seemed like it had never been used. There was a balconey that looked over the Great Lake.

"Hello Professor McGonagall, Hello Miss" Dumbledore said without turning around.

McGonagall left and I was alone with the headmaster. 

"I believe you are aware of the situation we going on, correct?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, sir" I replied 

"Well, let me explain" He said.

The rest of the evening he spent explaining to me what happened during the sorting. He explained that Lykos was a house made up about 50 years ago when an exchange student from Asia visited. They had attempted to sort him yet the sorting hat had yelled 'all of the above' so they created a house. Lykos is greek for wolf. There is a separate dorm room and everything. The student had classes with Gryffindore since one of his best friends was in Gryffindore. It had ended with many pranked professors, yet they never changed the classes. I said that I would also like to have classes with Gryffindore. The student also sat where ever he wanted. His name was Hamato. (Yes I know its not the same time setting, but come on people have an imagination).

Before I left Dumbledore said, "I think another reason the hat sorted you into Lykos is because of your furry talent." I was dumbfounded Dumbledore had figured something out that not even Mr. and Mrs. FInnigan knew about. 

McGonagall had showed me to my common room and my dorm room.

The midnight wolf {Oliver Wood}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora