The weird scene

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//PS **** means flashback, so the last two chapters were flashbacks// 

That was five years ago and from then to now things have changed. 

Oliver is more confident, and made me confused. He also joined and became captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. Percy is still Percy. So, that hasn't changed, although he has gotten himself a pretty deep crush on Penelope Clearwater. The girl he fainted on during the sorting. I haven't gotten many more friends over the years just because people just were being rude to Percy for being smart, but this year is going be different I can feel it. 

"I'm going to Hogwarts , I'm going to Hagwarts," is what I woke up this morning courtesy of Seamus Finnigan  

"What a wake up call," I say to myself 

"I heard that," Seamus yelled from downstairs. You can hear Mr. Finnigan hearty laugh, this makes me smile. This family has been so amazing. I'll be sad when I'm of age and move away. I already promised Mrs. Finnigan and Seamus that it would be some where close by and that I would visit once every 3 days.

I get dressed and head downstairs after grabbing my camera and skateboard of course. We're almost as late as we were on my first day of Hogwarts. 

Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan are tearing up. 

"Are you alright?" Seamus asks while I check my watch. Not to be rude but we might miss the train and I don't know what will happen then.

"Yes, this is just the first time we won't have at least one child in our home," Mrs. Finnigan replies. 

"I love you and don't worry nothing bad will happen. I mean it's Hogwarts one of the safest places ever!" Seamus reassures her.

"Alright, Goodbye" She says and bear hugs him. We all share one last hug before Seamus and I leave. 

"Alright Seamus on the skateboard you know the procedure." I said while rubbing my hands together. This is for when Seamus and I need to get some where and I have my skateboard. Seamus gets in front, and I stand him and steer the skateboard. 

"Alright, hold on we going to go faster than we ever have!" I exclaim

"Okay?" Seamus gulps.

"Here we go!" I yell and push off. 

We swerve though the crowd, but run into the brunette adults that I almost run over every year.  

"We should get together some time since you seem so attracted to us!" the man says chuckling 

"Sorry, we're in a hurry, we have to go to Hogwarts" I say while getting up accidentally letting the word Hogwarts slip. When they gives us a confused look I quickly say 

"It's a small school near Yorkshire," I yell before pushing off with Seamus on the skateboard again. 

When I get closer to the wall Seamus yells 

"Lupus do you not see that wall in front of you!" 

"Quiet!" I say," thats how we get to the train "

Seamus gulps in response as we pass though the wall. I pick up my skateboard and grab his wrist and shove my way though the crowd of parents. 

"Watch it Mudblood!" a long-white haired man yells at us. 

The train starts moving and I narrow my eyes. I am going to get Seamus to Hogwarts. 

"Lupus!" Seamus yells dragging my name out  

"Don't assume our blood!" I yell back at that white haired man just as we jump onto the train. 

Mr. Filch greeted us the same way he did in my first year. 

"Ah, here is the lucky one and her brother I'm guessing," Mr. Filch says in an annoyed tone. 

"Yes it is I the lucky one, " I say dramatically and roll my eye. I then pull Seamus into the aisle. 

"Any tips? " Seamus says hopefully. 

"Yes," I say ,"Find someone nice to sit with because they may become your lifelong friends, and don't worry if you blow something up in class we all know it's going to happen. Your mum gave me an extra cauldron in case yours melts. Good luck," I give him a hug and a smile. I can already see Percy's and Oliver's head sticking out from a compartment and I head towards them.

"Lupus, your wearing flannel," Oliver says to cover up the fact that they were just spying on me.

"I know I always do," I say as I stand with my hands on my hips trying to imitating to scare them a little bit, as a prank, and it works as they glance at each other both gulp and look scared

"Ha, ha, ha ,ha" Seamus laughs at them from outside of the compartment. He knows how it feels to get on my bad side. I smirk a little knowing that I can easily scare the Gryffindor quidditch captain. Quidditch captains don't get scare easily, and Gryffindor is made for the brave so the makes him one of the most fearless person in the school.

We had a surveys, you know where people get voted on who is most likely to do something, most likely to succeed, most creative.  I got second on most fearless, and first on scariest. Professor McGonagall got second for scariest, and she can get pretty scary trust me.

I sit in between them and look at them both with my arms crossed and a scowl on my face. I can see Seamus still watching what is happening from outside of the compartment, so I wink at him to let him know I'm joking. He smiles. I then bust out laughting surprising both Oliver and Percy. 

I start laughing so hard that I can't breath. 

"Your- faces," I say in between laughs. I try to stop laughing, but their confused faces only makes me laugh harder. Oliver starts to crack a smile an looks over my hunched over body to Percy. He just puts his hand on my back and shakes his head. 

Some time after that I stop laughing and we start talking. We're also sitting on the floor for some reason. Oliver and I are sitting on the same side with Percy across from us.

"My little brother, Ronald, is starting Hogwarts this year," Percy informs us

 "Yeah, my little brother too. He's the kid who was laughing at you guys earlier, and the one I was talking to when I got onto the train." I say

"What's his name," Oliver asks

"Seamus, Seamus Finnigan," I answer. 

"If his last name is Finnigan then why didn't the sorting hat call you Lupus Finnigan in the first year?" Percy asks. There it is the question I have been trying to avoid for years now. Sure older kids asked, but I just said I didn't know why. These are my friends and I now have the explain my entire life story to them. Which is a very long story.

(Time skip, because you guys know the story) 

After I told them they were just staring at me with they're mouths hanging open. After a few minutes they close their mouths. Oliver reaches over and wipes a tear I didn't know I had off of my face. 

"I'm sorry, " they both say at the same time. 

Oliver pulls me into a side hug and I lay my head on his shoulder. Percy comes over and does the same. 

This would be a weird scene to walk in on, three best friends sitting on the floor hugging. 

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