Jumping off of moving stairs

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I jumped out of bed the next morning remembering the fact that today is the first day of classes. I'm a weird mix of personalities, hence my house being Lykos. I love quidditch, yet I'm excited for class. I love to prank, yet am extremely kind to other students.  

I shower, get dressed, and run down stairs. Yes, no make-up.

"Hello, Lavender!" I yell at the ghost while still running.

"Hello, Lupus. Are you excited for class?" She says. I stop right before the portrait and look at her for a moment before answering. 

"Yes, I'm extremely excited, not only for classes, but spending most of the day with my friends." I reply, "if you'll excuse me, I have to get to breakfast." I say before running out of the portrait. 

I look at my watch and see I'm later. Oliver, Percy, and I have a secret place we meet up at every day before breakfast. It's on the east side of the second floor by a portrait of the city New York. We always meet there at 8 am, right now it's 7:58 and I'm on the west side of the third corridor! It's important that I get there on time because it's like a tradition for all of us. I dash down to the next floor yet I have to wait for the stairs to move. I jump on a set of stairs while their moving. I glance at my clock and see that it's 7:59. Right before the stairs reach the platform I stand of the banister and jump from the moving stairs onto the platform. I probably look like a mad man - well - mad woman jumping. 

"Lupus, what are you doing!?" I hear a shrill screech from below me and know that most of the students just saw me jump, and the yell came from Seamus. 

"Nothing!" I yell as I run all the way to the east side. 

"I wonder where she could be?" I hear Oliver to say to Percy.

"Here!" I yell to them. 

You might wonder why this is so important to me. Well, when Oliver and Percy didn't show up I got worried for them, and again I don't want Oliver to worry any more. If you that was just me over reacting it's not. One time I couldn't meet them there because I over slept, and I found Oliver in the Great Hall having a panic attack because I didn't show up. He thought I had died that morning. 

"Why, are you so out of breath?" Percy asked worriedly while Ollie looked concerned as well.

"Just jumped off of a moving step of stairs," I said nonchalantly, while leaning on my knees and regaining my breath. 

"WHAT!" they screeched, and move closer to me.

"Jeez, at this rate I'll lose my hearing within the first two days of school," I say while jumping backwards from them being so close to my face. 

"Let's go or else, or else we'll miss breakfast,"  I say and turn around to walk to the Great Hall.

I walk a little before I hear them follow me. I smirk a little knowing that these are my friends.

We walk in silence to the Great Hall. I already know that I going to get scolded by Oliver and Percy for doing so, and I quote them from previous scoldings, 'stupid and reckless'. I didn't get hurt though and that's what matters right? We walk into the Great Hall and take our seats at our usual place. 

The windows must be open because all of my hair flies in front of my spoon as I am eating oatmeal. 

"Miss, I do not think it is appropriate to feed your hair oatmeal," Professor McGonagall scolds me while handing me my schedule. 

"Sorry, ma'am," I apologize. 

"Quite, alright," she says with a smirk. I think she likes being called ma'am everyone else calls her Professor. 

I look over my schedule and see that I have all of my classes with Gryffindor, like I requested, and double transfiguration with Hufflepuff. Yes! I love Hufflepuffs, Slytherins say that Hufflepuff is the useless house, but I have many friends in Hufflepuff. No surprise there, right?" 

"Hey I'll see you guys in class. I have to grab my stuff," I tell the guys 

"Ok, just don't jump off of any moving stairs again," Oliver says

"No promises," I say with a smirk before walking to my room. 

"Don't you have class?" Lavender asks when I get to my common room. 

"I do I just have to grab all of the books for my morning classes. Here's my schedule," I say while handing her the sheet of paper. 

"What about afternoon classes?" Lavender asks while reading over my schedule. 

"I'll come back before lunch and drop my morning books off and grab my afternoon books," I say before dashing up the stairs two at a time. I grab all my books and head back downstairs.

"Goodbye, Lavender!" I yell before going to my first class potions. I meet Oliver and Percy when I'm about three minutes away from the classroom. 

"What a cheerful way to start the day," I say sarcastically when I meet the guys. 

"You need a shirt," Oliver says

"What shirt," I say confused at his statement. 

"You know, one of those shirts that say, 'Sass queen' , or 'I speak fluent sarcasm', one of those." Oliver explains.

"I have one in my trunk, " I say. 

"Why didn't you wear it!" Oliver explained.

"I didn't wear it because Hogwarts has a uniform," I say slowly 

"Oh," Oliver said. 

The rest of the day was boring, and exciting at the same time?  I don't know, Professors Snape's class,and Professor Binn's class were both extremely boring. Yet all the other classes were at least a little bit interesting. Only one part of the day was extremely weird , you know besides Professor Quirrell, it happened after dinner. Instead of going back to the common room with Percy and I, Oliver hung out with a girl. 

I saw them both walking both the hallway together, she was laughing and Oliver was getting very excited. Probably telling the story of how the Gryffindor's won a game against Slytherin, he always gets excited about those. 

"Whose she? " I ask Percy who was standing next to me. 

"Airella, she lives near Oliver and they spent all summer together," he explained. 

"Oliver told me he fancies her," he added on," Sorry Lupus,"

"About what," I ask turning towards him

"I know you fancy Oliver." he says sadly 

I say nothing I instead turn and look at Airella and Oliver walking down the hallway laughing. 

"Come on," Percy whispers and grabs my wrist. Halfway back to our common rooms, at the place where I have to go left and he has to go right he says. 

"Good luck," and I know what he means. He means good luck this year with Airella around.

"You too," I say, "we're going to need it." 

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