The Quidditch Quarrel

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This is a picture of Iris, Lupus' portrait.

"That was disastrous!" Ollie exclaimed while we were walking off of the Pitch. Quidditch try-outs had just ended, and it was awful. All of last years players seemed to have forgotten how to play ,with an exception of Fred and George, and no one tryed-out for seeker. We now have to hold separate try-outs for seekers and the Slytherins have the Pitch booked for all next week. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find someone," I attempt to reassure him as we walk in a cooridor. 

"I hope we do, we won't be able to play without one," Ollie says while pulling at his hair. 

I sigh and stop, that makes Oliver stop to. 

"What is it?" He asks. 

I stand in front of him on my tippy-toes and pull his hands away from his head. 

"Don't do that you're going to make yourself go bald," I whisper 

"Thanks," He says under his breath while looking down at me with a soft smile on his face. 

"Come on," I say and grab a hold of his hand so that I can pull him back to his common room. We promised Percy that we would tell him how it went after try-outs. 

"Hello, love," I hear.

"Hello Iris. Are you two enjoying your time together, " I ask the Fat Lady and Iris. 

"Oh, yes , Victoria was just telling me about how you are the only one she would let in without a password." Iris explained. When Oliver pulled a confused face I explained to him the Victoria was the Fat Lady's real name. 

"Oh, well that sound like fun, but Percy expects us to tell him all about Quidditch try-outs. I tell you how it went when I get back to the common room," I say directing that last part to Iris. 

"Well of course go on in," Victoria says and lets us into the common room. 

"Hey, Perce." I exclaim while we walk towards the couch that Percy is reading on. 

"Took you long enough.," He exclaimed

"How did it go," He questioned. 

"Oh, no," I say and Percy looks at me curiously," Here we go."

Then Ollie goes into full on rant mode and tells Percy everything. 

"It wasn't that bad," I say and after that we make small talk. 

"Not to be rude," Percy starts off ,"But what is Iris?" The boys both have been past my common room many times and have meet Iris. 

"She's a flapper girl," I state.

Oliver and Percy look at each other before both saying," A what now!" 

"A flapper girl was a girl in the past who did things that would have been considered abnormal, " I explain before getting cut off. 

"Like what," Oliver asks. 

"Hold on," I say while gesturing with my hands. "They did things like, wear make-up, smoke, and dance to jazz music," 

"Cool," Oliver and Percy say at the same time again. 

"Wow, you two are getting to be as bad as the twins," I say while shaking my head. 

"We're not that bad," they both said at the same time. 

I just raised me eyebrows and nodded. 

"We're serious, " they both said. 

"No you're Oliver and Percy," I say, greatly confusing both of them. 

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