The missing Ollie

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Ok, so I'm back, I actually got back on the 19, but I had band camp.  Anyone whose in marching band will understand why I haven't written.  We should have a little saying, like when ever someone asks you to come to something and you have to go to band you just say you have a prior commitment. They might be confused, but it can be an inside joke. 

 IMPORTANT: I have added two original characters to the story. I wanted to let you, and they will be Lavender Brown's older twin sisters. 


5 days later

Ollie eventually convinced McGonagall to let us book the pitch. We have it booked for today and Oliver's been stressed out all week long, but that's almost normal behavior for Oliver during Quidditch season. Actually he stresses out all year long about Quidditch, even if someone won the Quidditch cup 3 hours ago, he will already be worried  about next year. 

Finally Snape released us from the torture chamber that we call the potions classroom. Oliver said that he'd meet me at the lake since we the teachers made sure that we were in separate classes. It all started when we were in the first year and had the exact same schedule and sat next to each other in every class. We talked about Quidditch almost constantly, even though the teachers told us to stop, and then told us to just shut up. The second year they made sure that we didn't have the same classes so that it couldn't happen again. 

I strolled down to the lake, and sat down waiting for Oliver to show up. After a while I walked to the pitch and set everything up. 10 minutes later I looked at my watch and started to worry, there were only 5 minutes until try-outs started and he wasn't there yet. I made sure that everyone was in there uniforms even this years new team, which was basically everyone from last year, was here because Oliver decided that it would help to see who work best with the rest of the team. 

Try-outs should have started 15 minutes ago, yet here we are standing in a line at the center of the pitch next to a table set for two judges, Oliver and I, staring at the entrance to the pitch waiting for Ollie to come running through there. I glance at my watch every few seconds and eventually I decide that we need to start and can't waste the little amount of time that we have. I turn around to the others and start instructing them. 

"Okay, listen up people!" I start yelling, " I want everyone on the team this year to go over there and practice, and everyone trying out for seeker come follow me and I'll split you into groups of two." 

Needless to say it went awfully, this year's team was super stressed when they tried to work with the others. No one could dodge a bludger, or catch a snitch, by the end of practice 11 people out of 15 had bruises. The only ones who didn't were Fred, George, and I. 

"The results will be posted in the common room, " I tell the six people who tried out with a heavily sigh. "You are all free to leave." The six people leave chatting happily and smiles thinking that they did a great job. 

I shake my head and turn to look at the other five players who were looking at the retreating people with wide eyes and disbelief that they thought they did good. 

"Anyway, sorry it went that bad," I say while rubbing my temples. 

"How can they possibly, __ , think that they did a good job!?" Fred and George exclaim once they had left. 

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