Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts

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After a while we arrive at Hogwarts. I wipe away my tears and smile at Oliver to assure him that I'm okay. We get of of the train and look around before finding a carriage to sit in. I see Hagrid who is yelling as always. 

"Hello Hagrid!" I yell over all of the noise. 

"Lupus, I'm pretty sure your not a first year," Hagrid joked with a smile on his face. There are only three people who know about me being a mutant, and Hagrid is one of them. He and I have become great friends. I sometimes help him in the Forbidden Forest. 

"Alright, alright I'm leaving"I say with a smile. 

"Come on Lupus," Oliver called. 

"Coming, don't get your panties in a twist Ollie," I yelled back at him. 

"See you later Hagrid!" I yelled. While I was walking away I saw a small first year with green eyes and messy black hair greet him. 

I hoped into the carriage with Ollie and Percy. 

"Have you heared?," Percy asked ,"I heard from the Prefects that Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year." 

"I think I saw next to Hagrid when I left," I left ,"Messy black hair and green eyes right?" 

"Yeah," Ollie said, "I hope he tries out for the quidditch team next year. I heard his father was an amazing player," 

"Ah, our dear Ollie, the only thing he thinks about when he thinks of Harry Potter, the only boy to survive Voldemort , is whether or not he will play on the Gryffindor quidditch team." I sighed with a laugh.

"Ha, Ha" Oliver says sarcastically while Percy and I laugh. 

"Oh, look we're here," I yell suddenly startling the boys. 

"Someones a little bit too excited to be back at school," Oliver says

 "Back at quidditch, you mean," I say 

"Look we're here," Oliver says suddenly excited to be back at Hogwarts. 

Percy and I laugh at his sudden outburst of joy. We entered the great hall and walked towards the Gryffindor table. The great hall hasn't changed at all over the years. The same bewitched sky and floating candles as always.  We sat down at our table. 

"Look it's the skater!" I heard my nickname given to me by the twins yelled out loud. I look to my right and see the red heads themselves. 

"My twins!" I yell excited that the famous twins were next two me. 

"If we're the twins, " Fred said, "Then what is Percy called?" George finished. Yes, I can tell them apart, it's quite simple when you think about it. 

"Either Bookworm, or Penelope Lover," I joke

The twins, Ollie, and I all burst out laughing, yet we get cut off. 

By Dumbledore 

"Calm down, calm down everyone. I have a few start of term notices that I wish to announce. The first years please note that the Forbidden Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked my to remind you, that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds, to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Dumbledore said. 

"Wow, that's the most cheerful beginning of term speech I have ever heard." I whisper to Oliver on my left. He chuckles a little

"Abbot, Hannah" Mrs. McGonagall yells, and the sorting begins. 

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