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"O!" Just as Jessica was leaving, my sister Octavia was walking into camp. Her flesh covered in cuts and dirt. Her braids partially undone and the look of disbelief and anger all in one. "Where have you been?"

"Nowhere important, I was just scouting out the woods."


"Look Bell, I'm tired."

"Octavia." I was sure she was hiding something, and I'd be damned if I didn't find out. Grabbing her by the arm I dragged her to a corner of the camp where I knew no one would be able to hear us talking. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I told you! Out scouting the woods."

"For what?!"


"What? Why?"

"Do you really think this treaty would work between the Ice Nation?! They want to eliminate us, Bell...I just did it first."

Realizing what she meant, my eyes grew wide, "what do you mean 'you did it first?'"

"I ended them before they could end us. I killed their queen."


"Relax, we can handle them off now that their queen is gone."

Octavia stormed off and I went to go find Kane. What was I supposed to do? My sister killed the queen of Azgeda, she was the reason there would be war. What would Roan think? Would he care? And what about that grounder...Jessica? She's bound to play a role with what I could anticipate would come next.


"Ahhhh, Bellamy. What can I help you with?" He was gathering the guns and lining them up, stocking the bullets as well.

"I've got some news about the queen, I know who kil-"

"What news about the queen?" It was Roan's signature husky voice. Man, this guy needed to stop sneaking up behind people and their private conversations.

"I, uh," where was I supposed to start? "I know who killed the queen."

He raised his eyebrow in question.

"You can't get angry if I tell you who did it."

"One of Sky people?"

"Yes." Looking over at Kane I could see he was slightly startled, Roan not so much. "It was my sister."

Kane's jaw opened a bit in shock, while Roan just hummed a closed sigh. "Right, well just hope Jessica doesn't find out."

Coldhearted (Roan the 100) FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now