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My name is Abigail and I'm from district 12. I'm 5 months pregnant and today is the reaping for the 100th Hunger Games. The father of the baby left me once he found out I was pregnant. My mom and I go downstairs to see what terrible thing will be added to the Hunger Games.

The TV turns on and President Snow is about to choose what will the twist be. He takes the envelope with the 100 on it and reads it out loud. "This year," He begins. " the twist will be that once 20 tributes are killed, 20 tributes will be added.This will continue for a total of 10 reapings. There will be no last goodbyes in the Justice building. The chosen tributes will go straight to the train. We will reap all the tributes in advance and they will not be permitted to watch the Games. The districts with tributes remaining will not be reaped. As to say, If 2 people from district 3 were to still be alive when the 20 are dead, district 3 tributes will not be reaped for that round. Also, 2 tributes can become victors." He says in a raspy voice. Almost whispering. Hardly audible. Me and my mom both look at each other, worried if I'm reaped.

I take a bath in cold water then put on my blue and white dress that goes down to me knees. I'm tall for 18 so if my mom wore it it would go down to her feet. Gladly, the dress is not tight so it doesn't bother my stomach.

I pull my long black hair in a high ponytail with a piece of hair framing my face on each side. When I'm done, my mom and I proceed to go to the reapings.

When I go up to sign in a women with long blonde hair pokes my finger with a needle and presses my finger to the paper. I go stand with my age group and Effie Trinket walks up on stage.

"Here is a special video brought to you all the way from the Capitol!" says Effie with her stupid Capitol accent.

Effie fixes her pink dress while mouthing the words from the video, looking plain ridiculous with the tears that form in her eyes.

When the video is done, she walks to the girls reaping bowl. "As always, ladies first!" She sticks her hand in the bowl and picking a name. " Abigail Lahore" I look down to my pregnant stomach. I look towards my mom and I see that she is crying. I slowly start to walk up the steps. I wasn't that shocked. My name was in 46 times. " Now the boys!" she says. No pity in that women's voice for the pregnant girl. "Tobias Ethan." A boy, or should I say man, looking around 18 years old walks up on stage. He has dark brown hair with blue eyes. He seems very strong. Perhaps if he has a heart, we can ally.

"Well, shake hands you two!" says Effie. Tobias Ethan and I shake hands. Peacekeepers escort us to the train that will bring us to the Capitol.

The train is huge! We walk in and see a lot of food. Being the pig I am, I dig in. " So how many months pregnant are you?" He asks. I decide to play with him "I'm not pregnant. Sorry if I'm overweight." I say. "Oh, I-I'm sorry." He says looking guilty. "I'm just kidding! I'm 5 months prego silly!" I say laughing. "Wow thanks, I thought you would kill me. Literally." He says , starting to laugh himself. "No, I don't think I can brings myself to kill some one." I say. "What if you give birth in the arena?" I think for a second. "Well, someone will be delivering this baby, if I'm even alive." A tear rolls down my face. He wipes my tear. " Pretty girls shouldn't cry. We can ally. I'll protect you with all I got!" "Thank you" I say.

"Well, we have no mentor so we have to teach our selves." Tobias says. "Well I think we can get sponsors because I'm pregnant." I say "Yes! That's perfect!" He says. "Oh and we can have two more ally's because it restarts with 4 people left." I say. "Well, at training we can figure that out." He replies.

" Your really pretty." He says. "Thank you your not too bad yourself." I say. "Too bad u have a boyfriend. He's a lucky man." He says."No. Sadly, I don't. He left me when he found out I was pregnant." I say. "That's sad. What jerk would do that? He doesn't know what he's missing."

After we eat dinner, I go In my room and trace circles on my belly. Tobias walks in and sits on my bed next to me. "Hi Tobias" I say. "Call me Toby." He says. "Then call me Abby" I say. "Well Abby, I think we can both make it out alive." He says and a smile breaks out on my face. I just realized: I have a crush on Toby.


That's chapter one! I know it's short but ill try to make the next one longer! Comment what u think please.

Hunger games: pregnant in the gamesWhere stories live. Discover now