4 days of peace

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Abigail's POV

After the head game maker made the announcement, Tobias and Alex make a system with rope to help me up the tree every time. Selena stitched my wound and it hurts like hell. a parachute comes floating down. there was 4 in total, each having a name. Selena grabs them and opens mine first hopping for creme. she didn't find any but found a note that read:

There was no creme left. a lot of tributes needed them. there was nothing that could heal your wound. I'm so terribly sorry.

- Cinna, Effie and octave (Tobias's stylist.)

She reads the note to me. "I'm so sorry..." she says. "its okay, it's not your fault" i say. in the basket was some water bottles, milk , diapers , bread , meat , baby clothes and a baby blanket. in the others there was a lot of food and water.there was also blankets and pillows for us. my hip still hurts a lot. I'm just glad to have 4 days of peace. They help me get up the tree and we they set up the blankets and pillows.i lay down and stare at the sky.

Tobias cooks some meat and splits it all in 4.i eat all of it and drink some water. I lean my head on Tobias shoulder, being careful of my hip.

We go to bed after enjoying the first day without fights or deaths. we didn't need any guard.

We woke up around 12:00 judging by where the sun was. selena splits up the fruit and we have that for breakfast. I lay back down and my hip starts to really hurt. I look at it and see it bleeding. Selena notices and comes over to me. "your stitches broke. ill fix it." She says and grabs the stitches. she starts working on it and it hurts. a lot. I just sleep for the while day after eating lunch, some meat and fruit.

The rest of the 2 days are pretty uneventful. the last day ceased announced that the tributes will be in the arena tomorrow and that we should be prepared. he also said we are aloud to go to the cornucopia but can't grab stuff till the the signal goes off. we decide Tobias and Alex will go and ill stay.

A/N: I KNOW THAT WAS SHORT BUT I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK! should I delete this story? comment what you think.

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