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I stare at him wondering what to say. He had just asked me to be his girlfriend. So I don't say anything. Instead, I kiss him. He starts to kiss me back. He was the one. I loved him and I knew he loved me to. After we kiss I lay my head on his chest and fall back asleep.

I wake up, my head still on his chest. He sees that I'm awake "Good morning beautiful." He says. I smile when I look at him. "I love you" I say. He kisses my cheek then we get up. He goes to his room to get changed into his training outfit. I put mine on and meet Tobias in the hall. We both eat some fruits then go down to training.

We got there a little late so every body stares at us. Tobias and I walk over to fire making. "I'm Octivia. I'm the trainer for fire making. Take any reflective object and have a flash light or use the sun. It should make a ray of light. Point that were you are making the fire and wait for a spark." He starts, as Toby and I do what he says. We see the spark then he says "Now slightly blow on the spark but not enough to blow it out." He finishes. I blow on it slightly then the fire starts. "Good job!" He says.

After that we move on to weapons, he takes a spear and I take throwing knives. I try throwing them at a target but miss. Tobias hit bullseye every time. Next to us the district nine tributes are throwing knives perfectly. I think we found our ally's.

We walk over to them. "Hi I'm Mary, this is Devon." says Mary. Mary had short blonde hair and was tall. Devon had brown hair and was also tall. We tell them our names. "Wanna ally?" I ask  "I don't know. Your pregnant. You could slow us down. I don't want that." says Devon "It could get us more sponsers. Anyone would sponser a pregnant girl and friends." Mary and Devon look at each other than nod. "Ok." Tobias and I sigh in relif. "But I'm going to have to teach you how to use a weapon." says Mary

"Ok! So, lets try to use throwing knives" she said. She shows me how to do it. I throw but miss. I try again and again but I only miss."Ok. You can't throw knives! You almost hit me! Let's move on to an axe." says Mary. She hands me an axe and its surprisingly not that heavy. She sets up a dummy and tells me to throw it at the heart. "No way I-I can't" I say nervously. "Just try! You won't get any better by giving up mow will you." I take the axe and throw it.

I hit the dummy in the heart! I was so surprised. "There ya go! You have found your weapon." She said with a smirk. I simply smile. I'm proud of myself. Maybe I do have a chance. A huge chance.Tobias comes up to me and kisses me. "Oh you two a thing?" She asks "Ya." says Toby with a smile. Mary rolls her eyes. "What?" I ask. "You two are like Peeta and Katniss. Starcrossed lovers. That's good. More sponsers" I guess it could be a good thing. She heads towards the climbing station.

We followed her. I go first with Toby's help. I make it across but I started to sweat. Tobias gives me some water than we go sit down. We have another hour of training. Devon and Mary come to sit next to us. "Hey." Says Devon. "Hey." I answer back. "You should take a break. Stop for ten minutes then go to rope tying." Says Devon. "You should, I'll stay with you." Addes in Tobias. " But I have to train!" I complain. "I need to train. I have to get better if I want to survive! I'm taking care of two lives!" I say "No. What you need is a break." says Mary. "Fine" I mumble.

I drink some more water then just stare at every body. Wondering how I could make it out alive.

After 10 minutes we all go to rope tying. We learn 10 different knots then what traps we can do with them.

That's what we did for the rest of training. Toby and I then went back up to the pent house but then I felt nauseous. I went to the bath room and threw up. it was because my pregnancy. Toby holds my hair and I throw up again.

After, I take a shower then get changed. I lay down then feel the baby kick. I smile and a tear roles down my cheek.

After 1 hour we have dinner. We eat turkey and mashed potatoes. "How was training?" Asked Effie "Great, nothing like training for my death." I say. I get up then go in my room. I fall asleep then wake up in the middle off the night. I can't fall back asleep so I go in Toby's room. He's awake. He looks at me then pats his bed telling me to lay with him. I lay down then start crying. "I'm scared" I say. He wipes away my tears then says , "Well, every one should. I don't blame you. You have two lives to take care of. But I promise I will help you threw every step of the way." I look up at him and smile. "I love you." I say "I love you too." He replies. " Do you think they would let the baby live? Only two people can make it out alive" I say. "I bet they would. It would make a great show." He says. that makes me smile. He can always cheer me up. But what if one day he can't? If only two people can make it out alive would we have to choose two people? Would he risk him self? I fall asleep with that thought

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