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Tobias POV

I wake up and Abby is still sleeping. I get up and walk into the kitchen but I hear two people speaking. "I talked to snow, he said if at the end, Abby and Tobias and the baby survive, they can all make it out alive!" says Effie "yes! that's great!" replies cinna. I start to smile. I run back into Abby's room and she's awake. I tell her all about the fact we can all win. "Oh my god! that's awesome news!" I tear rolls down her cheek and I sit next to her and wipe it away. She smiles and hugs me.

Abigail's POV

"Today are the interviews!" Say Effie "oh and you two are going on at the same time. so, maybe throw in a quick kiss?" she says. I hold my stomach and kiss Tobias."like that?" I say "perfect" say Effie I smile and hug Effie "I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday. about going to die in the games. I promise you I will fight till the end."i say. "oh, it's okay dear. I shouldn't of yelled manners. you where just having fun." Effie says with a smile. "come on group hug!" Says Effie and she grabs us both and hugs us. we hug her back.

"Okay so all about your pregnancy. be emotional. cry. All that drama. they will love it! talk about your ally with the tributes fr-" Effie starts "don't call then tributes. They are people and so are we. we have names." says Tobias. "okay, your ally with Mary and Devon" she corrects herself, "okay" I say.

After another 30 minutes of discussing what we will say we eat lunch. We have corn, salads an butter squash. I I'd t eat all of it so Tobias finishes it for me. after lunch cinna gives us our outfits. He gives me a tight blue dress with sparkles down the side. it goes up to my ankles. Tobias Is wearing a blue and white suit. I have my hair in a ponytail with a blue clip shaped as a flower. Tobias has his hair gelled back and looks very handsome. I don't wear mush makeup. just some pink lipgloss and some concealer to hide my bags.

Tobias, Effie, cinna and I go down to where the interviews will be held. Tobias an I go back stage and Effie and cinna go in the crowd. caesar flickerman gives an introduction than district one walks up on stage. The interview last 5 minutes only. I don't pay attention then I hear district 9 being called. they talk about us and what there home is like then walk off stage. then district 10 goes. it last 5 minutes. then 11 then us. "please welcome district 12!!' E announces as we walk up on stage. "so tell me, how much months pregnant are you?' asked Caesar . "5 months" I say. "So you might be having your kid in the games?" he said "yes and u will be helping her every step of the way." says Tobias. I then leans towards me and kisses me. the crowd goes wild. "so what do you think of your scores? he asks "we weren't expecting then" Tobias and I say at the same time. 'I see why! a 11 ad 12! that's amazing! we'll I give you all the luck in the world! good bye." says ceased as he kisses my hand. we walk off star then he gives a little 'outro'. we then go back to the pent house. "tomorrow are the games..." I say 'you're right. I-I don't notice" says Tobias."we should eat a good night sleep" I say. So we skip dinner and go right to bed.


60 reads! thank you! comment and ill follow you if u follow me. comment what you think and if I should continue the book.also follow my instagram @_dipdyed_cuties_

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