Hogwarts AU (Part 1)

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"Platform 9 3/4! Boarding now!"

Y/N steered herself over to the train, steadying her owl, Imogen, on top. She had just come from the US Ilvermony, and was going into her 3rd year, this year at Hogwarts. Her mother had a job offering at the Ministry and took it, therefore moving to Europe.

Most students were already seated and the compartments were all full. Y/N wandered around, looking for a seat. The only one with an empty seat had a handsome boy sitting in it. Y/N shrugged and poked her head in.

"This seat taken? The rest are full."

The boy smiled and gestured her to the seat across from him. Y/N sat down gratefully.

"I'm Y/N."

"Percy. Are you new here?"

"Yes. My mother got a job at the ministry. I came here from the US."

(if you aren't just go with it)

"Really? I came from the US too! Although this is my third year at Hogwarts." Percy said.

The two got on like a house on fire after that.

When the train finally stopped, you and Percy got down together and he led you to the carriages, where you met some kids named Albus (Severus), Scorpius, Rose, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Leo. You got along easy with them, and knew you would be great friends.

Since you were a new student, you had to be sorted with the rest of the first years. It was like being a giant in a group of midgets. You saw that Percy had sat down at the Gryffindor table with a few of his friends, some you didn't know.

You caught his eye, and he winked, crossing his fingers, and then pointing at his house table. You smiled and crossed your fingers back.

The Headmistress, Proffessor McGonagall, stood with a list and began reading off names to come up to be sorted.

"L/N, F/N!"

You trudged nervously to the front of the Great Hall, and sat on the stool. Professor McGonagall put the hat on your head.

"Hm... interesting..." the hat said into your mind. "You are a mix of all... bravery, intelligence, cunning, and loyalty..... you must pursue all of these traits... better be..... RAVENCLAW!

A cheer went up from the Ravenclaw table. You caught Percy's eye once more, and he mouthed "congrats, talk to you soon" and you sat down.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" A girl said, when you sat down. She introduced herself as Annabeth Chase. The girl on your other side, Reyna, greeted you as well. They were both in your year, and knew Percy and his group of friends.

Suddenly, food galore appeared right in front of you, on the empty plates. Ilvermony didn't have this, and this was fantastic. You dug in.

"Nice pumpkin juice mustache," said Annabeth, smirking. You grinned and wiped it away. Percy caught your eye once again and wiggled his eyebrows. You laughed and looked down at your plate, blushing. You didn't know why, but you liked him a lot.


One week later, and you had already settled into your classes, and were doing well in all of them.

"How did you DO that?" Percy asked, bewildered. Your potion was the perfect shade of magenta, light as air. Percy's was more of a thick, bubbly brown. You shrugged.

"Miss L/N! Perfect potion! 50 points for Ravenclaw!" Professor Slughorn said, when he walked over. He waltzed back to his chair and dismissed the class.

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