Chapter 19

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Lena's emerald eyes flickered open as she felt a small shift in weight in her bed. Her gazing eyes landed on the blonde Superhero's dark blue ones. Lena rubbed her eyes and yawned. what the hell is Kara doing here, why is she in her Supergirl costume? oh my god, is she crying. why is she crying? wait why is she in my bed. For Christ sakes someone seriously needs to tell that girl about boundaries. Lena was rambling inside her head for the one hundredth time that day. 

"Kara, what are you doing here?" Lena asked curiously. Kara's breath was taken away in that second she couldn't understand how anybody could look like a supermodel twenty four hours a day seven days a week, but Lena managed it. The slight morning rasp in her throat was belong sexy, it was enough to make Kara's throat turn dry. "I really don't have the patience for spacey Kara today so can you please just answer my question." Lena groaned out, her Green eyes closing again. Kara furrowed her eyebrows, the truth is she had no idea why she went to see the other woman. it just kind of felt natural, it felt right. 

"I'm sorry Lee I really am, I-I-I shouldn't have disturbed you, I m-m-mean you could have been doing anyone." Lena's eyes shot wide open at that remark, Kara after processing what she said gasped and her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "No, I-I m-m-meant, not anyone, anything i meant anything, oh Rao, i-i'll leave, em sorry" Kara was cut off by Lena grabbing onto her arm keeping her secured in the bed as a small smile lit up her face, which made Kara relax knowing that she hadn't upset Lena. 

"Kara calm down your eyes are wider than the gender pay gap for gods sake" Lena said soothingly while pushing a strand of curled blonde hair behind the hero's tear stained face. Kara couldn't help but giggle, she felt a lot better just being in the presence of the Luthor. "Now stop rambling and tell me why your in my bed" Lena cringed as she said this, she knew how it sounded but also knew Kara was to innocent to think about the dirtier alternative to what she said. 

"I was trying to get information out of this new alien but he turned on me. he said that my race were selfish and no goods, that they deserved to die. He said i was nothing, that i only do what i do to feel like a god, to feel powerful." Kara mumbled as a new wave of tears fell down her cheeks. she dropped her head unable to hold it up any longer. Lena lifted the blondes chin up with her finger and looked deeper than she ever had before in to those bright blue eyes. 

"Do you want me to kick his ass?" Lena asked in a serious tone not dropping her gaze. Kara chuckled lightly. she was so happy that this woman cared enough for her to try and make her feel like her old self again. 

"Don't worry I already did that" Kara said proudly looking into those emerald eyes that were laced with concern for her. Lena smiled at her and shook her head. 

"You want know a one night cure to feeling down?" Lena said with an ambiguous tone and Kara nodded enthusiastically, she really needed a quick fix. 

"Roll over, onto your side facing away from me" Lena ordered sternly, her all bushiness CEO tone dominating the room. Kara furrowed her eyebrows but did as she was told, if this would make her feel better then it was worth a shot. 

Kara felt Lena's body against her back as her arms wrapped around the blondes stomach holding her close. Kara sighed with content, this felt perfect what she wouldn't give to go to sleep like this every night.

"Now sleep Kara, you have to show that idiot alien who's boss again tomorrow" Lena whispered in her ear before nuzzling her face into the Superhero's shoulder. Kara closed her eyes and listened to the steady heartbeat of the Luthor behind her as she drifted off to sleep. 


Kara wasn't sure how long she had been lying there with the Luthor clinging to her back like a baby Koala. the room was in complete silence apart from the steady, reliable beat of the raven haired girls heart. 

"Lee, you awake" Kara whispered turning her head slightly so she could see a glimpse of her face. Lena hummed in response tightening her grip in the Kryptonians waist. 

"I've never felt this way about anyone before" Kara paused before her words were covered with a huge yawn. "Winn told me that feelings will hit you out of nowhere like Wha-Pow, and i thought thats what i felt when i met James" Kara turned around on her back forcing Lena to shift her body so her head was resting on the 'S' symbol on the blondes uniform. Kara absentmindedly as if by instinct started playing with the messy raven hair splayed out on top of her. Lena practically purred at her touch which made Kara's heart miss a beat. "But with you its different, I get a feeling every time im around you, like i need you. like my body's addicted to yours" Kara said her voice wobbling slightly with the nerves of being completely honest with the woman she loves. 

"Ever since i kissed you i felt like i ruined us and even though i had only just met you it felt like i was about to lose apart of me" Lena said her voice breaking slightly as she stroked Kara's stomach in an attempt to keep her nerves steady. 

"You could never ruin us" Kara whispered. "When i kissed you as Supergirl i was under the influence of Red Kryptonite which makes me do things without thinking about the consequences a little bit like being drunk" Kara explained as she felt Lena's heartbeat quicken. "But i always thought that drunk actions are sober thoughts" She mumbled just loud enough for the other woman to understand. 

"What are you saying?" Lena asked her pulse now through the roof, scared of what Kara might say. 

"Do you want to try the whole dating thing if you don't i totally understand i mean im me and your you" Kara tripped over her words but managed to say what she'd been dying to since the day she met the CEO. 

"Well you already got me into bed" Lena said half chuckling. "That's a yes Kara, i would love to try the whole dating thing with you" Lena said smiling to herself, closing her bright green eyes in bliss. 

"So i have a girlfriend?" Kara said giggling 

"Yes now go to sleep otherwise you'll have a grumpy girlfriend" Lena said sighing a happy sigh.



Authors Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this fluffy chapter and thanks for all the reads, votes and comments i really love getting feedback from you guys 

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