Chapter IV : "Double Trouble"

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Yusuke and Kuwabara was walking in cautious to their surrounding. They're kinda pissed off on the fact that they kept falling on a trap and looping around.

It had been hours of walking nonstop only to find themselves back to the same dead end room, the only single room they've found so far. They were already tired from walking around going on the same path they could manage to find which was the same way they've been taking for so many times.

Kuwabara: This is not going well for us. Kurama was together with sensui. We're not going to get out of this looping hallway. (Weary)
Yusuke: This is really weird. I mean, if she created this endless loop of hallways then, there may be another way out. I just couldnt see anything. (Frustrated)
Kuwabara: And if we ever find a secret switch on the walls, traps are the only thing that activates. (He added) We'll be dead before we could even get out of this place.

While they were talking, a sound of something heavy that was moving was heard from inside the dead end room. They head there silently and check on what it was.

Just then, they saw a wall moved from the place it was supposed to be when they've seen it for so many times. The side edge of the wall was pointing towards them showing a dark path in it.

Yusuke: This isn't here before. (Confused)
Kuwabara: Maybe this is our only way out. Well, whoever leaves it open.
Yusuke: If someone leaves it open, then probably... (gets interrupted)

Before Yusuke could finish his word, someone hiding from the shadow infront of them shoot them. They manage to dodge that sudden attack.

???: You almost got them.

The two unknown being that was hiding in the dark shows up themselves, and now was standing before them. Both team were observing who will do the first move. They're both prepared to attack and take defensive act at the same time.

Yusuke: (in his thought) they may have plan an ambush in there. We cant take risk to attack first.

Kuwabara was thinking the same way as yusuke. They know that the enemy might use the towers trap to their advantage. Little do they know, they've predict it right.

Minutes have gone pass without any movement from both party. Neither one of them wants to attack first, for they know their opponent got something to counter them with.

From a monitor far from them, someone whom watching them were running out of patience to their immovable interaction. It press a button and smile, for it knew they'll be in a real battle now that it puts them on stage.

Just as the button were press, both team fall to a trap prepared unto them.

Kuwabara: (shouting as he fall together with yusuke) What the hell is happening? Why do they fall too on their own trap?
Yusuke: (shouts back) I dont know. It must be kuro's plan, whatever it is at the end of this trap. It could be an advantage to them.

Both team fall to a well lit boxing ring. It was surrounded by vast space with no other way to go. Below them was a floor full of spike with skeletons in it of those who once fall to their death in here.

Kuwabara felt the chill runs through his body as he see every skeleton around those spiky ground.

???: Just to be clear, it wasnt us who trigger that trap. (Explain their side)
???: Xiahou, if it is master kuro's plan.. then maybe he was testing our loyalty towards him.
Xiahou: Oh, reiji! I know he might betray us sooner enough. I could see through his lies. I wanted to kill that man after we get rid of this weaklings.
Kuwabara: (pissed on what he heard) who do you call a weakling?

Kuwabara was about to attack them out of anger when yusuke stops him.

Yusuke: Stop! They plan to make us mad so we could fall to their suprised attack. Focus kuwabara.
Kuwabara: (calming himself) We're running out of time. We should be facing kuro by now if we werent just separated from them.
Yusuke: I know. But right now, we need to take care of them.
Kuwabara: I think i had an idea.

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