Chapter X: "Soul Eater"

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Kuwabara head out to a near coffee shop with his college friend after their school. As he was about to call a server, he notice this waitress who seems familiar with him but he can't remember who exactly. He kept glancing at her and his friends notice it, so they called out the waitress he was looking at. When she approach them, his friends immediately tease him and jokingly said that he wanted her number for a date because he likes her.

Kuwabara was embarassed at what his friends were doing. As for her, she just smiled at them, lean close and whispered telling them that she can't chat during her work hours because her boss was very strict regarding that matter. He quickly apologize for his friends behaviour and proceed to what they really intend to do in the first place.

She left them after taking their order and continue on her job. When she came back with their food, she quickly slip a note to his hand and walk away. He flips it around out of curiousity on what she could've write. It says that she wanted him to wait for her outside since her job is about to end.

He was surprised at this sudden event while his friends were excited about it. His friends then excuse themselves one by one, telling him that they've got something to do. Although what they meant about it is for him to have a time alone with her. They didn't want to be a third party on their date, so they left him. But before they do so, they give him a support of encouragement. He just laugh at their silly action.

After finishing up his food, he goes outside and waited for the waitress. He doesn't want to just leave without telling her the truth that he already have someone special in his heart. It would be harsh to do so. He just want to clear out the misunderstanding that happen a while ago.

As he wait for her patiently outside, someone suddenly hugged him from behind. He was surprised to even have time to react quickly. That person lift him up, bend itself backward and slams his head hard on the ground.

Kuwabara: (turns around as he was rubbing his head from pain) What the hell is that?!
???: (pokes his forehead) I wouldn't want to date you even if you were the only person left in this world. I don't mean to be harsh on you though. (she added)
Kuwabara: (shocked to see a familiar face) MISAKI SENSUI?!
Misaki: What? Don't I have the right to get a proper job too? (she said sarcastically)
Kuwabara: Its just that ... (still surprised to see her) I didn't expect to meet you in such a normal interaction as that.

Misaki laughed at what kuwabara just thought of her. They never actually see her doing normal things before, since she was define as a threat that somewhat related to just do trouble for the world. She then sighed and told him that she needed to do so for her not to be found out by the spirit world. She still have some crimes on them that hasn't been forgiven and escaping from them just makes it worst.

Kuwabara then asked why she have to tell him to wait for her, when she could've forget about their sudden meet up. Her face turns serious as she told him that she needed his help. It was just a small task but needed assistance at some point. He then suggest that she could've asked for kurama to help her out since he was always willing to do so before. She just shakes her head disapprovingly and told him that this is just a sudden event that she can't set aside right now.

Before he could excuse himself once more, she immediately explained why it was important for her. She told him that she was going to spy on a man who might give her some clue to the whereabouts of some group of demons. She also said that they could be of a big threat in the near future and that they were connected to kuro.

After he heard the name of kuro and the danger she mentioned about, he agreed on helping her. He followed her on the streets, going on to a creepy looking alleyway. A couple of men who look at them like they are a prospect for theft is scattered around the corner. They head inside a suspicious looking bar, took a seat on the stool near the bartender and ordered up a drinks. She then points to a guy on a table with women surrounded him. He was a tall thin guy, with a well.built body type wearing a clothes for a businessmen but his face looks like a perverted old man.

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