Chapter three

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John looked sadly at his new friend.

"Well... if you ever need anything mate my place is always open. My parents don't care if I do this or that. I once had a cigarette in front of them. Worst decision of my life, that thing was awful. I can still taste the smoke."

John's insides saddened when Sherlock let go of his hand for some reason.

Of course he knew what that meant, he just didn't want to admit it.
He looked at Sherlock.

"What books do you like?"

John liked novels. Classics.

Sherlock chuckled softly and looked at John,

" well of course they taste bad, the only good thing in it is the nicotine that addicts the human to smoking more!"

He said informally and smiled

"Science books, physiology, and uh.. non-fiction, and r-romance.."

Sherlock explained happily as he came out of hiding and walked to Johns house and rubbed the back of his neck feeling nervous.

" I'm used to them by now.."

Sherlock said grinning again even thought the subject he talked about was serious.

"Why do you think I'm always wearing this coat?"

John sighed and just looked at him. He wanted to kiss him... Jesus. He couldn't do that. The poor sod would pass out. Too many emotions. Also... uhhh John had no idea what was going through his mind or Sherlock's. He just blushed and continued to walk in the sunset.

"So... ummm... do you have much free-time?"

John tried to start a conversation, which he wasn't good at. He never was.

Sherlock nodded and toke the other by his hand once more smiling as he chuckled,

"actually yes, that's how I get to read so much."

"There is so much variation in books I would want to read them all!"

He said cheerfully and looked at John before humming and moving his hand back and forth a grin on his face as he looked around humming.

"Do you have a lot of free time?"

Sherlock didn't know what he felt he couldn't stop smiling, he loved this feeling, he wanted more of it, Sherlock craved more.

John smiled.

"Yeah, actually. I don't..." John sighed. "I don't really seem like the kind of person who would, now do I?"

He chuckled, trying not to sound sad and ruin this happy mood.
He waved it off.

"Heh heh... thank god tomorrow's Friday!"

John looked up at Sherlock. Why was he so tall?

It was making him jealous but happy. Sherlock was so easy on the eyes though...

Sherlock nodded before nuzzling the smaller male he liked that the other was smaller, it was cute to him, he adored the shortness. Short yet in shape, Sherlock thought looking at the others body compared to him, Sherlock looked like a noodle and well.. john looked.. utterly handsome.

"Cross or left?"

He said as they reached the street and the streetlights came on as Sherlock nervously looked down knowing he was gonna be in shit trouble and looked at John and smiled again before following John.

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