Chapter four

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     John watched Anderson spit insults at Sherlock and became helplessly angry. He walked over to the selfish bastard and tapped him on the shoulder.
This was it now...
no going back.

     Once you did this, everything was ruined. John couldn't continue hanging around this walking piece of garbage. When Anderson turned around and gave John a smile, John Watson slapped him clean across the face.

"Leave him alone, selfish bastard."

John scowled at him and spit in his face.

How'd he like that?

   Anderson glared and looked at him

"I'm not the bloody prick standing up for the freak!"

"It's your loss Watson."

      Anderson snarled, but backed away Sherlock didn't do anything but stand there like a statue his face was blank, emotionless. Anderson's grabbed John's shirt collar, asking him why

"Why are you standing up for this freak!?"

      Anderson growled out glaring at John, Sherlock
Couldn't do anything he was stuck
Sherlock was to afraid his feet almost glued, the only thing he could do was Look at the two teenagers in fear before taking a step in and pushing Anderson down glaring,

"Don't touch him, your filthy.. bloody prick.." Sherlock spat out quickly.

      John looked back and forth between Sherlock and Anderson and eyed Anderson as if he was the devil.

"Go join those ignorant souls I used to call friends. Do none of you have any heart?"

       John shoved him toward the others and watched as he cursed, then began to talk to the others.
     John couldn't think of anything to say.
He didn't think he'd ever stand up for anybody but himself, yet here he was.
He looked from side to side and then hugged Sherlock softly.

"What did that idiot say to you?"

         Sherlock was shocked and jumped as the other suddenly hugged him not used to the physical contact and hugged him back, Sherlock  shuck his head no,

"it's alright, he didn't say much, just told me he would 'fuck me up' if I touched him again."

"Thank you John.."

         Sherlock muttered before hugging him back softly his arms hurt to move he felt safe around John before letting go of John he smiled.
      As he let go he toke off his coat bruises on his arms, new and old cuts and burn marks, new some old Sherlock was at a lose for words and hugged John again thanking him quietly.

John gasped.

"Oh my god how did this happen, Sherlock?"

John was almost yelling, of course he contained himself so that no one else could hear.

"This better not be a suicide attempt. My god, I will do anything to change that."

John stroked a bruise with his finger and sadness combined with rage filled him from head to toe.


John said feeling how tender a bruise was. These were insane.

Sherlock sighed and avoiding eye contact with John as he touched the bruise Sherlock hissed pulling away from the other teen and looked away mumbling as quite as he could,

"Parents, thought I wasn't smart enough, thought my brother Mycroft was better so when I get things wrong.."

Sherlock stopped and slipped the coat back on not wanting anyone else to see, his arms were skinny.

"It got worse when they figured out I was gay."

He muttered looking away sighing softly.

John stood there in total awe and in near tears.

"I've never seen anything like this... please tell me you were never hospitalized,"

     John knew if he was he would never forgive Anderson, or worse, he would never forgive himself. His hand shook as it stroked the lining of Sherlock's coat down his arm.

"You bloody moron... don't go getting yourself killed. For me."

John stared at Sherlock with a stern, demanding yet soft look.

Sherlock shuck his head no

"It never gets that bad, don't worry.."

  Sherlock muttered and
Whipped the forming tears from the others eyes telling him it was alright even thought
Sherlock knew himself that jet was not okay but he wished it was okay, he truly wanted things to be okay again..
but things were never okay for Sherlock Holmes every living breath was chaos.

          John exhaled.

"I don't want you doing that anymore. I'll do whatever it takes. You're ruining yourself, your perfect self, and it's ruining me too. Stop this nonsense."

John had a bit of experience. Harry used to cut when she was nervous about coming out, and whenever John caught her she would always put a finger to her lips.

she would say through the tears melting her face. John couldn't imagine Sherlock's face like that.
Not for one living, breathing second of his life.

       Sherlock sighed before he hid his face and hid his face into the others shoulder a few minutes past as cars went by sherlock hiccuped and softly sobbed letting out all of his pent up emotions he held in for so long and a couple minutes later he stopped his sobbing and calmed down before smiling at him

"W-we should get to school huh.."

he said muttering before he looked down thanking him once more for standing up for him.

"Not until you're finished letting yourself go. I will be late to any class. You need to let this out."

John crossed his arms and held his head up. He rolled his eyes.

"We can walk and do this, though."

John gripped the top of Sherlock's arm and led him down the sidewalk, listening to him sob.

He hated seeing anyone this messed up. They were so helpless, and it made John upset that he couldn't help them all the time.

He'd been part of the wrong squad for an eternity now.
Sherlock helped.

Sherlock let himself go sobbing on the way to school stopping soon before he leaned in and kissed the other mans cheek thanking him, the sociopath wasn't used to this many emotions flooding out of him.
Before he looked down and giving a small shy smile before looking down and yawning,

"anyway, how did you sleep..?"

Sherlock stated some small talk, he hadn't let that many emotions go until since he was a young one.

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