Prologue: Faint Memories

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Three years ago...

It's very blurry, all I can see are used cards, and broken booze bottles.

There's also a flower vase at the edge of the table. And an ash tray near the broken coffee table. Everything seems to be messy.

"Hey Therese, let's go, we should hurry up! They found us already!"

I cannot think straight, all I want is to see blood, and those scary faces that once locked me in a dark place. I know it's gonna be bloody, as for myself, all I can feel is the strong urge to kill.

"Therese! Snap out of your mind! We're facing the real deal here! It might be too late, but I'm sure Sir Hayasaki will search up for us any time now."

"Umffgh--!" Eunice struggled when she was gripped by a tall and a tough man in one of those black masks.

Without wasting any moment, I threw the knife next to me at the man's face, and kicked him on his private part. What a bunch of craps, that was an indecent way to touch a lady.

"HAHAHA! I wanna pity you for being associated with me in a short time." I laughed like a devil was suggesting me to do so.

"Yes! Show me your agony! The last breathe of yours, I will make it meaningful for you."

That's right, I can smell blood. It's giving me too much adrenaline thereupon, I stabbed him straight into his chest, to his neck, and lastly, down to his heart.

"Aaagghhh!!" He tried to grab the knife which is quite near him. Therefore, I have no choice but to deepen it even more, harder and more precise than before.

"Die! Die! Die!" I can see him clearly in my point of view, he's choking his own blood.

I can see Eunice gasped in shock, and stare at nothingness when she found me doing that disgusting thing.

"Scared? Aren't you from Superior A Class? Have you forgotten how to fight? Or did you lose your will already?" I covered his face with his blood from my hands and tried to clean it with my shirt.

"But how? What is keeping you motivated and strong like this Therese? Have you gone insane?" I can see from her, those eyes are telling me to calm down and keep myself from getting completely overtaken.

"You want to know why?" She gulped heavily and nodded slowly.

"Simple, because I love seeing those people with corrupted heart in perish." And with that, I stood up and removed the dusts in my skirt.

"Don't forget that we're still here for a reason. Now, if you're burdened to shut down evilness, then you don't belong here." Hesitation was evident on her face now.

Is that how powerful my voice is? Making you doubt yourself in an instant, it makes me laugh and puke at the same time, considering how disrespectful I am when speaking.

"Oh quit it! Your killing instincts are succumbing you again! Please don't be like this, you're scaring me." She looked down and I can see water coming out from her eyes.

"Are those real tears? I've never seen you had it Eunice, not even once while we're in the academy."

Even though I consider her as one of the strongest from her class, I never anticipated that she'll really break apart from this pathetically.

"Crying is for the weak, now stand up and we're getting out of here." I can hear lot of them coming down here in the basement.

And I can't afford to handle those numbers, so we have no choice but to find a way to escape. Perhaps I can take down at least half of them, but I highly suspect it, since I really don't have a clue on how exactly do they count.

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