10 Facts About Author

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Goodevening :)

I'm so sorry for the late update. I'm halfway writing it, because I'm so busy at school.

And I'll be staying late today so I might as well be unable to continue the details.

Please forgive me 🙏 and as a promise, I will do my best to follow these with heavy updates which can give a much more clearer insight of what is the story revolving about.

So, as this is much more quick to make, and I saw 1 comment asking me what's the reason behind my name, then I will let you know more about me. ^^

Fact#1: I'm a very deep person.

-It's not that I'm not closed with my classmates, but I really am more like of an outside thinker of their thoughts. So mostly they do not intervene with what I'm up to. But I have no objection about that tho. Like what's in my Biography here in Wattpad, I prefer to be a loner in the crowd.

In that way, I can reciprocate my own thoughts and make a space enough for me to breathe.

But moreover, there's this proverb that things will keep coming at you even though you're not up to it or something like that.

So as much as I can, I want to avoid topics which I might be involved. Honestly, I'm very sensitive when I hear my classmates say my name.

I'm not a paranoid, but it really tense me, I hate it when people talk behind my back.

Fact#2: I'm a daydreamer.

Haha, I seriously silently laugh at this one. Even my classmates don't know about this. Whenever we're having our classes, I'm setting my view to the black board and let my imaginations sink in.

Very often especially in Math class, don't hate me, but I really really hate Algebra and Trigonometry. Have you ever tried to experience a short-term learning?

The day when it was taught, I am very well informed on how to do it, but on the next day, it's like there's an eraser wiping my memories on that specific day and that specific time.

Fact#3: Since we're talking about subjects, my favorite subjects are Science and English.

No more further explanations, but I just simply love them. Lol.

But I know some of you might still be curious, why I'm always writing my stories 3/4 English is because I don't like Filipino Subject, I have no idea, but I'm always low on that subject area.

Moving on.

Fact#4: I wanna be a Doctor someday.

Okay, so why Doctor? What the heck I feel like reporting right now. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Because I love patients and trying to imagine putting myself into an accidental situation where of course I don't what to happen.

Then I will do first aids and think of it all day. It gives me energy when I fairly help someone.

Fact#5: What are my hobbies?

I don't have one for now, and I don't think I can consider this my hobby, but I like listening to K-Pop songs.

I'm ready to fight anyone degrading this music culture. Kidding.

But I just can't think on why do most of the people judge by how their music choices or preferences are.

I mean what's wrong with loving an Asian Music Culture? It's not like the song will kill you if you can't understand it.

And I've been having a lot of fandom friends whom are encountering the mishaps as a K-Pop Fan just like me where we are degraded.

It gives me the breathing space that I want to. It provides comfort when I need to. And it gives me a lot of realizations about life that only a fan's perspective would know.

It helps me associate my thoughts and calm me when I'm mad. So what is really the problem. *Sighs*

Fact#6: I am becoming someone I am not.

Creepy right? I'm also creeped out by the way.

When I'm with my classmates, the utterly competitive side of me goes out and try my best not to be different from them which I failed to do.

But inside, I'm so calm and reserved where you can befriend me anytime.

I have no idea if it's a defense mechanism that turned into a habit tho. When I feel intimidated by them, I want to give off the same intensity they are in so the result would be me looking very tough outside.

Fact#7: I hate to be in Light but I love seeing light.

Contradicting it is, yet I want to be in the dark where no one would notice me just like the night, and I can only see stars shining above.

Most of the time, I get a lot of realizations about life while looking up in the sky.

When I'm having a bad day, I always try to look at the skies even in the windows.

Hoping that someday these troubles would be cleared out, and a brighter day would be ahead of me.

Fact#8 I love reading.

Oh that's right, that's my hobby I forgot just a moment ago, I'm not editing this so I'll just go with what I'm writing.

Actually I'm facing the laptop with my unfinished PowerPoint presentation tomorrow.

I can read for hours really without eating or drinking.

But just having my earphones on and listening to music.

If I am still a kid, I would like to sit in one place, and just read the all of the contexts that my teacher would hand out.

I feel like I'm in a different world while I'm reading. I get to experience what I can't do in reality and live off in my fantasy.

Fact#9: I am more cyber-socially active than being society-socially active.

Don't take it the wrong way. I'm not the type of person who'll post about my life and entertain every reactions I'll get.

But have alot of international friends and I love talking to them through chats and voice calls. (I don't do video chats, I have trust issues.)

Even though I can't see them, I feel like they're sitting beside me and talking with me like normal friends would do.

It's hard to find true friends these days so I don't want to invest my time finding one.

But at least with them, I can tell all of my burdens and happy moments. They will just listen and not judge you.

Shout out to ChogiFam! I love you guys. Let's be together forever until we die, until our graves set us apart. :)( Joke, that's very creepy and cringe-worthy at the same time.)

Fact#10: So why TimeContrl?

You know, I have lots of social platforms and my usernames are almost the same which is TimeContrl.

It all started with a game. I was playing an MMORPG game and there's a mage class where she can control gravity and time. So with that, I thought I could name my character TimeCtrl, but unfortunately that name was already taken so I did this misspelled abbreviation which I made up myself.

So that's where it ends. Goodnight again! I hope reading this is worth of time.

Actually this is not a waste of time because I can negate it back where your time was just lost.

Okay I'm really out, before I lose my soul due to that cringe I just felt.

One last thing, I do have a lot of typos because I'm just updating through my phone, and proofreading in laptop.

                                          -TimeContrl out

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