Who's who?

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Master_Hacker has updated his status...

Okay is everyone here?


RockNRoll: I'M HERE!!

RandomUser: Here.

No1Agent:  Present.

June Darby: I'm here as well.

RockNRoll: Where are the Autobots?

Master_Hacker: They should be logging on any second now.

<< 8 users have joined the chat>>


WreckerPower: Hi Miko.

RockNRoll: How did you know it was me Bulkhead?

WreckerPower: It wasn't really that hard and how did you know it was me?

RockNRoll: It wasn't really that hard.

WrenchWielder: Agreed.

WreckerPower: And who are you?

WrenchWielder: -_-

NinjaFemme: Okay, can everyone just say who they are. This is becoming confusing - Arcee

WrenchWielder: I agree - Ratchet

Beesgotskillz: My username already says who I am.

WrenchWielder: Really Bumblebee?

Beesgotskillz: Hey! Your username is WrenchWielder.

WrenchWielder: How about I send wrench flying to that helm of yours?

Beesgotskillz: Heh heh, no thank you:)

Thedestinedautobot: Anyways...  Smokescreen here.

ExplosivesExpert: Wheeljack.

Prime: I believe my 'username' is enough.

RockNRoll: Really Optimus? You couldn't have thought of anything better?

Ultra_Magnus: Some of us didn't really care.

JuneDarby: Same here.

RockNRoll: Booo!! Party poopers!!!

RandomUser: Miko, will you ever shut up? (BTW this is Jack)

Beesgotskillz: What is BTW?

Master_Hacker: By the way - Raf

Beesgotskillz: What?

Master_Hacker: Huh?

Beesgotskillz: By the way what?

Master_Hacker: No. BTW stands for by the way.

Beesgotskillz: Oh...

Prime: Is there anyone else that hasn't said who they are?

No1Agent: Just me.

WrenchWielder: And it is obvious who that is.

No1Agent: -_-

<< 6 users have joined the chat>>

RockNRoll: I thought all the Autobots were already here.

SupremeLeader: We're not Autobots - Megatron>:)

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