My lesbian friends one shot story

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[Imagine Your friends,Regina Mills and Emma Swan,Storybrooks number 1 couple of all time.Trying to find the perfect (Mr.right/Ms.right) for you]Ps:I ship Swanqueen so hard!

(You,Emma and Regina were at Granny's having a drink)

Ruby: Here you go(Y/N).One nice (Favorite drink).

(Y/N): Thanks Ruby.

(she left)

Emma: You guys would look so cute together.

(Y/N): I don't think Ruby is interested in me.

Emma: Yes she is.😊

Regina: Sweetie.If (Y/N) doesn't like Ruby,(he/she) doesn't need to be with her.

Emma: But they would be so CUTE.😭

Regina: If I were you (Y/N) I would have been with Belle.

Emma: Say what Regina.😐

Regina: I mean look at her.She's sweet,caring, and so perfect for you.

Emma: Yeah right.😒

Regina: Then who do you think(Y/N) should be with.

Emma: Killian.

Regina: Tinkerbell.

Emma: Gold.

Regina: Ariel.

Emma: Peter pan.

Regina: That demon who took our son?!

Emma: Fine.Henry.

Regina: Emma! Henry is 18 and (Y/N) is older than him.

(Y/N): Can I chose.

Regina: Ok honey.Who do you choose.


Emma: Awww.😍

Regina: MY SISTER!!!😠

(Y/N): Yeah.She's hot,takes good care of her child.And I just loose it when she turns green.

Regina: Eww.

Emma: Cute.😃

(In Zelena's house she sees you with her magic,with a smile)

Zelena: I love you too.😘

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