Robin hood idea

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You were the bravest person who lived. If the Wolf Man or Dracula came to kill you, you will kill them. But, when Robin came that was a different story.

Y/N: Why are you here!?

Robin: I'm here to help you.

Y/N: Help me? Don't make me laugh. I can take care of myself.

A figure came at you from behind but, Robin stopped him with a arrow to the chest

Robin: Really?

Y/N: Yeah really.

The next day you saw a woman being mugged so, you decide to help her but, Robin took the mugger down first

Woman: Thank you.

Robin: It's what I do.

Y/N: Damn it!

Later you saw a man robbing a carrige but, Robin got to him first again


Y/N: That's it! I've had it up to here with you! You never let me have any fun!

Next thing you know Robin kissed you

Robin: How's that for fun?

Y/N: Wow.

You never got a kiss like that. Especially from Robin Hood.

Next thing you know you were working with the Merry men

Y/N: Alright boys. Let's move out!

You and the Merry men attack the rich to give to the poor with Robin by your side.

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