Mr. Hyde imagine

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Requested by AshliDinkelman. I hope you like it.

Y/N didn't really have any to love. All her family and friends have husbands and wives. 

She went inside a local tavern and ordered a small drink

Mr. Hyde: Well hello madam.

Y/N: Hi.

Mr. Hyde: What brings you to my little town?

Y/N: Your town?

Mr. Hyde: Well Rumplestiltskin did give me  the deed to the town.

Y/N: Well I'm a lawyer and I know you can't own a town with a piece of paper.

Mr. Hyde: Well now you can.

After a while Y/N an Hyde had a fun time. The next day Y/N woke up on a bed with a very mysterious man


Dr. Jekyll: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Wait who are you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N. Who the hell are you!?

Jekyll: Damn it Hyde. Sorry did you meet Hyde?

Y/N: Yeah,why?

Jekyll: Hyde is a split personality i have.

Y/N: I don't believe you.

Jekyll went to a table and dranked a potion then turned into Hyde

Hyde: Sorry about that, I hope Jekyll didn't give you much trouble.

Y/N: Hyde?

Hyde: Guilty as change.

Y/N: What's going on?

Hyde told Y/N the whole story of Dr. Jekyll and him

Y/N: Ok, this I could probably get used to.

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