Snow White imagine

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[Imagine you and snow having a snow ball fight]

(Snow was at a snow fort while you were throwing snow balls at her)

Snow: Come on (Y/N)!That's not fair!I have no snow balls!(she said laughing)

(Y/N): Then make some!

(When you stopped to get some more,she quickly made some snow balls,and was ready to throw them at you and,she did)

(Y/N): Now that's not fair!

(After that you both fell of the snow slope you were on.Snow fell on top of you and kissed you.You didn't notice but,Emma,Regina and,David were staring at you guys)

Emma: That Is so cute!

David: 😒.

Regina: 😏.I saw that face charming.

Once Upon a time one shotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat