Peter Pan One shot

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Requested by Lit_Lit223. I hope you like it.

Y/N was Felix's sister, the "Lost Girl". In fact, the only girl except for Wendy. For as long as she can remember Felix has always been protective of her. And still is. But, when Pan takes an interest in Y/N. What will happen.

[Around the campfire]

Pan: Y/N. Can I speak to you for a minute.

Y/N: Sure.

Felix pulled Y/N's arm

Felix: Be careful.

Y/N: It's okay big bro. It's he tries anything, I'll beat him till he bleeds.

Y/N met up with Pan near the ocean

Y/N: So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Pan: Us.

Y/N: What?

Pan: Us. Like how long will Felix stalk us?

Y/N: He's not stalking us. He's just being cautious.

Pan: Can he be cautious about this?

Pan kissed Y/N on the check

Y/N: Oh. Pan I... I...

Lost boys: Y/N! We found something. Come on over!

Y/N: Sorry Pete I got to go. Bye.

Pan waved bye back

Pan: Felix if you're gonna watch us, Don't hide in the trees. I can see you.

Felix: Shit!

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