You Know The Night

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I never understood why people die. I never understood religion or the concept of God or even how time can heal all wounds. But I accepted it into my life freely because you wanted me to. You told me these things and gave me faith and hope.

It was routine for us to sit in church for an hour every Sunday and head to the community barbecue after in the park.


It was just us 6, a regular family who laughed at dumb jokes, went bowling together and had boring weekday nights. Our lives were normal, beyond normal. But enough with that, you probably want to know what we are up to now.

Well, Candace is in the top of her class in medical school. She's graduating this fall. Max is a mechanic and Luke doesn't really play with his band anymore…


The day of the accident started as usual, Luke and I in a rush to get to school. We spent the night watching Netflix again, something you told us not to do. But we didn’t listen, as always. But you never were mad, no, you just stood by the door, waiting for us with your car keys in hand. Mom said it’s because it amused you to see us not have any responsibilities. I bet it’s hard for you, being a military sergeant and all. But you did always say it came with one of the best things life has ever given you. You fell in love with your drill sergeant’s daughter. I love that's written with pure cliché. You'd have Nicholas Sparks’ jealous, dad.


I’d sit in the back while you and Luke talked about music. You were a huge influence to us kids, besides Candace who enjoyed mom’s R&B love. No, you gave us awesome music; Bob Dylan, Jackson Brown, The Eagles. Dad, you have an awesome 

record collection and I’ve been looking for them since the day you left.


School is easy, I have a friend. Her name is Casey .She’s nice to allow me to sit with her during lunch with the rest of her friends. They didn't really talk to me. I didn't really talk at all. I can already see you shaking your head at me. Then wondering why I'm so antisocial when both my parents were voted most popular in their senior year. But then you'd mutter about Grandpa Joseph and his refusal to make friends.   I love Grandpa Joe.


Well, back to that day, after school rolled by and I made my way to the bus, usually the kids would hangout for a couple of minutes outside the bus but I always walked inside. Luke's friends always were the first on board, they would say hello and save a seat for me nearby them. I liked Luke's friends. They don’t bug me and they make me laugh with their little banters and perverted jokes.


It was all normal; nothing was different until 6 pm rolled around. Mom wasn't home, she was always home by 6:15 but she wasn't that day. Jake called her but she didn't answer, we didn't put much worry into it and just thought she got the London traffic. But by 8 in the evening the knock on the door rattled both of us.


“It's the cops." Luke stood up from his seat, pulling his skinny jeans up and opening the door.


"Is there a Melody Flores , present. "  The police officer asked in his deep Bradford accent.


"That's me.” 


You Know The Night EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora