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They'll try to mold you into a member of society. A functioning one would be fine but a brain washed individual is better. I was always hard to manipulate even as a child. I was curious and asked too many questions and when they didn't give me a satisfying answer I was more then willing Google it myself. I had trust issues from the very beginning.

June, the family therapist , says it's the reason why I'm so stubborn and so sad and why I have no faith or will to keep me going. Her ideas and theories are shit that I already knew. June's an idiot who acts like she knows it all but she doesn't. She may have been able to squeeze some information out of Candace or Max but I'm making sure to keep her at a distance.

I don't know what they want to prove about me, im already depressed and lonely. I wrote it down myself on the individual worksheet I had assigned the day I left the hospital.

I just hate being told what to do and what to be. I've tried to do it but it makes me worse. Funny how the same exercise that's suppose to make you look on the bright side can also blind you. I'm in the dark from what I see. Don't know what type of individual I can be when I see nothing but the bland white walls of my room. There's no more personality, no more me, no more life in this room because of June. But I can't blame her, she thinks she can help me and that alone is nice of her. She's giving her time to come up with silly theories for me and hoping that she can cure this cloud of sadness or make me think she did. Sadness doesn't go away, it just hides in the shadows and comes out when it's bored.



"They're dead. "

Mel didn't care if they were, they brought the room to life. Her once colorful room was gutted out and treated to an all white decor. The dead colorful daisies instantly sticking out on the white bed side table by the bed.

"Nothing wrong with them. "

Savanna wasn't sure what was up with Mel. She was antsy today, her fingers fidgeting with her blouse and her nervous nail biting. She wondered if it had to do with Her being in Mel's actual home after she left the hospital.

"I just think that If you want color I could go run down to the market and get you new ones and we could throw these away. "

"Its my room and I want the flowers there...... Dont want myself to be the only dead thing here. "

Savanna's eyes watched a straight faced Mel argue with June who looked done with the patient. But June onlysmiled through her perfect teeth and turned around to leave the room .

"She's not happy with you." Savanna said
Mel didn't have the nerve to care.

"Neither am I. "

Savanna didn't know what to say at a time like this. She had gotten to know Mel a little more and found comfort in a girl who found no use of the world. Savanna didn't feel as alone anymore. Someone else was fighting a battle that she felt mirrored hers.

The room was emptied of people but Savanna and Mel who remained silent for the next couple of minutes.

Savanna sat on the soft bed watching Melody sit on the floor and rummage through the small backpack they gave her. It contained a couple of things from her old room that they allowed her to keep.

One of them being a picture of her and Luke.

"Does your boyfriend come visit you often?"

Mel shuffled through the bag and groaned at all the dumb shit they decided to let her keep and looked confusingly at Savanna.

"I dont have a boyfriend."

"Oh, I just thought that the boy.... The blonde one with the lip piercing... And the accent..."

"Luke? Eww no. That's my Little brother. "

Savanna blushed and felt stupid, she shouldnt have said anything at all but she had to be nosy and ask.

"Oh I didn't know..."

"He's adopted but he's still my brother. Why.. Do you like him?"

"I don't know him." Savanna his behind her ginger hair while Mel smirked and sat back .

"But you find the little lad attractive, huh ?"

Savanna was about to retaliate when the door was thrown open .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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