I had seen so much troubled , waters and storms on the streets.

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i know this has taken long but i have sat back and thoguht about the way i want all my stories to go. and this is where it all went. 

please comment and vote. it will make me write faster and show me i do actually have readers. 

thank you. 

and a specil thanks to my cover artist @lousinyou.

This girl is amazing and incredibly talented and i cant stop gushing. Definetly got me writing again form the excitment she gave me by making me 3 awesome coers. 

 Niall watched as the girl made her way towards the cemetery. She looked like she had no care in the world, or even a little simple thought to know better. 

 It was only 1 in the morning and he had watched her small little VW beetle peel through the lonely streets of London, he was on one of his deals and had to meet another addict by a bar in uptown. But he would recognize her anywhere she went. She was too beautiful for him, too innocent and pure for someone of his kind. He was trash and had no pure part in him left anymore. He was used up and not even worth the dirt underneath her designer shoes. 

 But once he saw her turn in to the cemetery, he worried. Cemeteries at night were not the safest place, especially for girls like her. Small and innocent rich girls who ooze daddy’s money right out of their perfect little pores. He had to follow her just to be safe. 

 Melody felt the cold air make its way through her jacket. She didn’t think it would be this cold, but her luck was bad and now she had found herself in a bit of a pickle.  Her eyes avoided the intense stares of the drug attics by the giant abandoned temple in the center of the cemetery. Their music was playing as usual, some loud screaming crap Luke would at times listen to.  She ignored them as best as she could, wouldn’t want any trouble, but tonight seemed different. Even the cold and sharp air felt like a warning sign. But she was convinced she would be safe and those thoughts were merely bullshit.

  One of the men watched as the girl walked towards a grave, he took a hit from the blunt and passed it back to his friend before walking slowly towards her. His eyes trailed down her body, enjoying the sway of her hips in her tight blue jeans. Despite not looking at her face or her chest he knew he would have fun with her backside.

 The smile crept up on his face as he approached her figure; she now stood in front of two graves. Both marked with a giant brick stone with a classic silver name plate right in the center of it. His smile grew even more, she was a rich girl.

  She now was crouched down on her knees. Her back was to him as he slowly and quietly approached.

 “I brought another one, I know it’s been awhile but I’ve been a bit busy with my own things…”  

  Niall watched from afar as the man crept up on the girl, his eyes went back and forth before his feet began to move as if they had a mind on their own. His heart was pumping, but it wasn’t like what the drugs ever did to him. This was fear and this was worry. As the man crept closer to Mel, who had no idea of the event about to unfold, Niall broke out into a sprint, running across the street as a car was just to drive by. The honk making Mel jump and turn to her attacker, who lunged after her at that moment.

 “What the fuck! “ she screamed . Niall ran faster, pushing off his heels than ever before. Ignoring the screaming driver who he had successfully missed getting hit by.

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