the beginning

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John Laurens POV

I stood in front of the door of my house holding a few boxes waiting for my taxi to arrive. I've done it. I have finally moved out of my fathers house.I can finally live my own life.Im finally going to Yorktown college.

"Jacky, Jacky! a letter came from the big school in new York!" my little sister **Mary shouted running across the house in her unicorn onesie. my heart was beating out of my chest and my palms were sweating as I carefully tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter with the school logo in the top left corner. I started reading it out loud whilst my little sister was sat on the floor by my feet with her legs crossed and staring at me.


Yorktown collage

21 chump street

New York city


Dear John Laurens,

Thank you for your application and we are glad to inform you that you have been offered a place at Yorktown collage in this upcoming September. Here at Yorktown collage you will be given advanced courses, good teaching and a outstanding atmosphere. On your first day you will be given a initiation and a dorm which will be shared with three other students. As you will have transferred for your last two years, all of your data from your previous school ( South Carolina prep or SCP) and your course of study will be resumed.

we are excited to have you as a pupil and believe you will be a model pupil.

see you in September!

- Yorktown Collage

"MARY I GOT IN!" I practically shouted " I GOT IN!" I ran around the house with the letter in my hand smiling like a six year old. I wasn't looking where I was going and I bumped into my father in the hall. I knocked his cup of coffee onto the floor. "COMPOSURE JACK!" he shouted as he slapped me on the back of my neck. Holding back tears I ran up the stairs and into my room.

I'm glad I'm on my own now. This is my fresh start and I'm not going to waste it, I will miss my brothers and sisters and I will try and spend time with them, but for now there is no turning back now.

**Mary Eleanor was john Laurens' little sister irl.

hi, sorry for the short chapter but in the future the chapters will be longer but I really hope you enjoy my story and I will try to update it whenever I can.

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