First date

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Alexanders POV

Tonight it the night it's mine and johns first official date. We planned on meeting up at 6:30 at The Italian restaurant down the street. I'm so nervous but so excited. I can't help but smile so hard it feels like my face is going to explode. John went to the mall with Eliza and Angelica to buy an outfit. He claims he has no clothes even though he has way more than me. But I honestly just think it was an excuse to hang out at the mall. 6:00. Ill leave the dorm at 6:20 so I can get there on time. In the meantime I just sit on my bed, scrolling through Instagram, Listening to be more chill and belting out the lyrics to Michael in the bathroom.

I start to feel a sense of anxiety build up in my stomach. I try to push it down but I can't. I just have a really bad feeling about something but I'm not sure what. 6:19 I grab my coat and splash some water in my face and I am in a better place. I go to open up the door and grab my keys from the pot on the little table. I walk down the halls and past identical doors. Different numbers each time. The anxiety is back. It felt like something Was eating me inside. My eyes welled up and my breathing turned heavy. It's probably just nerves. I walked down the corridor and walked towards the restaurant. It's probably just nerves.

John Laurens' POV

6:30. Bang on time. I'm so excited. I've liked Alex for a super long time and tonight is finally the night where we can really get to know each other and be like a real couple. I walked into the restaurant and saw Alex looking nervous in a navy button up shirt with a dark grey tie fiddling with a napkin. (A/N- I can't write for shit) "Alex!" I said waving as I walk towards the booth where he was sat. "Hi john.. you look really um nice" he seems nervous I smiled and passed him a menu. "What do you think you're gonna get because I'm getting lasagna, it looks nice."

The rest of the night was mildly awkward. Alex just seemed a bit off. He was visibly nervous but I tried keep the conversation going.

"So, john. Have you ever been in any relationships?"

"When I was a kid. My father would force me to go out with girls. He some how knew I was gay but he tried making me oppress it. The worst relationship I was in was with a girl called Martha Mannings. She was really into me and was always trying to get me to sleep with her. We were sixteen at the time. When I broke up with her my father went batshit crazy and yelled lots of homophobic abuse and how I was a disappointment of a son." Alex didn't say anything. He just smiled and said "your father maybe a piece of shit but that's all in the past now. We just need to forget about the past and focus on us. I rea-" the phone rang. It was Peggy.

"John please come to my dorm now. Maria's hurt."


sorry for not updating for a little while. I've been on and off again writing this chapter and I have been generally quite stressed so I haven't had time to update. I'm really sorry I will try to post more

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