Forget about it

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John Laurens POV

I woke up at 6:am the next morning for my 8am lecture. I felt fine for about two seconds, then I remembered the previous day and all the anxiety built up in my stomach. Alex kissed me. Does he like me? I can't like him. I do like him. I'm not ready. Why did he kiss me? What does this mean? These thoughts plagued my head and messed with my emotions. I looked over to see Alexander, asleep in his bed. Hair all over his face and in a green hoodie. As much as I want him, it can never happen. If my father found out that I was with a guy then he'd stop paying my tuition fee and I'd be homeless. Come on John. Gotta keep a straight face. A/N- notice my pun. I threw on my red sweater and a pair of cargo pants. I grabbed my bag and left the room to go and meet Peggy for breakfast. I took one last look at Alexander, sleeping like an angel.

I walked down the road and saw the cafe where I was meeting Peggy. Café espresso. I stepped in and caught a wife of coffee and quiet music. 7:00 am. It's very quiet this early and not to busy. "Johnny boy!" Peggy waved from a table in the corner. You can tell she's had more than a few coffees. "Morning Pegs." I said sitting down. I ordered a croissant and she ordered a stack of toast. "Sooooo....Johhnnn. Anything happen with Alex yet?" "No Peggy I told you that nothing can ever happen. We're just friends." "That wasn't the question. Has anything happened?" "No" "You're lying. I can always tell when you lie John Laurens!" I started fidgeting with my hands and panicking. "He may have kissed me in Library yesterday but like I said nothing can ever happen." Peggy let out a high pitch squeal of delight. " OMG YOU NEED TO GO OUT WITH EACH OTHER! YOU'D BE SO CUTE!" "No. If my father finds out, he will stop paying for my education and if I want to someday be a marine biologist then I'm gonna need to go to college." "I need to get to class. See ya Pegs."

On the way to class I put in my headphones and start listening to heathers. Ugh I love that musical. Then fight for me comes on.
"Hey, mr no name kid, who might you be and would you fight for me and hey could you face the crowd? Could you be seen with me and still act proud? The beautiful lyrics make my body start to shake. My eyes well up. Let them drive us underground. I don't care how far. You can set my broken bones and I know CPR. I'm not In the mood for class anymore. I need to see Alexander. I wanna fight for him.

A/N sorry for not updating for a while but I've had terrible writers block and I have been really busy.
I will try and update more

Also, any fellow heathers fans out there?

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