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Johns POV

I stepped into my new dorm and caught a whiff of cheese puffs and old socks. The two men looked up and smiled. "Alex, mon ami! Who is this?"the taller one said. "Laf, Herc I would like you to meet our new roommate, John Laurens" Alex said nudging me forward. I waved and the shorter guy (who must have been Hercules) came up to me and gave me a hug."Hi I'm Hercules Mulligan and this is-" "je suis 'Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette." "What." I said looking at Alex. "He's French.' 'No, I got that but WHAT is his name?' Mulligan thought for a moment. 'Lafayette.'

Lafayette was tall,thin and had the neatest winged eyeliner known to mankind in history. His hair was in a ponytail with tons of hair exploding out of it.

Hercules was short, chubby and had bright purple eyeshadow on, which Lafayette had applied.

"Hey john, let me show you to your new bed" I followed Alex down a little further into the room and he pointed at the bottom bunk of a metal bunk bed. "You'll be bunking with me " he said smiling. I swear for a second he blushed.

I started to unpack my belongings. I threw all my clothes on my bed as well as my keys, my turtle plush my mother gave me before she died and my sketch book. I looked a way for less than a second when Lafayette had picked up my sketch book and started looking through it. "Oh mon ami, ce sont incroyables. Il y a tellement de tortues et elles sont si bonnes." As I speak fluent French I understood what he said. "wow my friend,these are amazing. There are so many turtles and they are so good."

"John, you haven't met the Schuyler sisters yet! You need to come with me! You're. Gonna. Love them."
I followed Alex into room 1779. It was a large room with three beds, one had pink bedding, one blue and one yellow.

"ALEX WHERE IS THIS CUTE ROOMMATE OF YOURS THAT YOU WERE TELLING ME ABOUT!" a young girl shouted. She had darkish skin,brown hair and a yellow t-shirt and a denim skirt. Alex thinks I'm cute?! Once she noticed me she went pink and shouted. "PEGGY!" "Umm...what was that?" "IM-I'm Peggy nice to meet you john laurens, wait what's your name uhh what are names uhhhhh...... ha.ha.ha!"

"Peggy what's all the noise about?" An older girl with light skin and dark hair said as she was coming through the door with another girl with darker skin and black hair.

"Hi I'm john Laurens!"
The two girls stared at each other.

A/N- this really wasn't the best chapter I know.

Im planning on adding other ships in this such as: Meggy and mullet!


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