Idk what to title this

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Funny thing, I outgrew Hamilton and suppressed this fic into the depths of my mind. I only remembered this in class when I was messing around with my friend.

But anyway..

I'm not going to finish this because honestly I lost interest and moved on.

But it was crazy because I checked and somehow it ended up with 5k reads and was at one point voted #1 in the Maria x Peggy ship and #456 in lams  which was unexpected but appreciated. It's strange how this dumb little fanfic I wrote about some old dudes when I was 13 did so well :)

Anyway here's how it would have ended:

•the group graduate 

• Maria and Peggy move in together •laf and herc are still together and run a bakery 

•after like a year of pining, Eliza and martha got together and adopted a kitten

•Angelica didn't get with anyone but learnt to love herself and grew as a person

•it would end with John and Alex going travelling around the globe and eventually returning to the Caribbean

So yeah, this is how it would end. It was a shabby first attempt at writing that im kinda proud of.

Good luck to everyone for the future.



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